Preview of New Releases



    books_physicsTHE PHYSICS OF MIRACLES, by Dr. Richard Bartlett (Beyond Words Publishing), 288 pages, $24.99 – Prepare to enter a world where your perceptions of what is humanly and physically possible will change forever. As a follow-up to his best-selling Matrix Energetics, Dr. Richard Bartlett shares concepts presented in his dynamic seminars in accessing our body’s own subtle energy systems. He shows that by applying forces known to modern physics, you will learn to tap into states of healthy awareness from different moments – in essence, travel in time – and bring them into the present for immediate, profound results. This will reshape the way people think about their own place in the universe.

    books_guardiansGUARDIANS OF BEING, words by Eckhart Tolle, art by Patrick McDonnell (New World Library), 128 pages, $18 – This is a unique collaboration between The Power of Now author Eckhart Tolle, and Patrick McDonnell, creator of the comic strip MUTTS. Guardians of Being involves the cast of characters from the MUTTS strip charmingly illustrating Tolle’s profound statements and lessons on staying in the present moment. This marriage of art and words conveys a profound love of nature, of animals, of humans, of all life forms. It celebrates and reminds us of not only the oneness of all life but also the wonder and joy to be found in the present moment, amid the beauty we sometimes forget to notice all round us.

    books_2012storyTHE 2012 STORY: The Myths, Fallacies and Truth Behind the Most Intriguing Date in History, by John Major Jenkins (Tarcher Penguin), 336 pages, $24.99 – From the groundbreaking researcher who helped introduce the question of 2012 into the current culture now comes an epic exploration of the authentic origins and meaning of this portentous date. The 2012 Story examines how this date has become a subject of mass fascination today – and reveals the meaning it may hold for us all. As Jenkins explains, on December 21, 2012, the Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar, a 5,125-year cycle calendar system pioneered by the Maya, will come to an end. At the same time, the Earth, sun and center of the galaxy will come together in an extremely rare cosmic alignment. These two critical pieces of information lie at the heart of many people’s understanding of 2012.

    books_raw_foodRAW FOOD FOR REAL PEOPLE: Living Vegan Food Made Simple, by Rod Rotondi (New World Library), 218 pages, $24.99 – Smoothies, veggie burgers, falafel wraps, Caesar salad, raw pizza, lasagna, carrot cake and brownies await food and health enthusiasts in Raw Food for Real People. As a world traveler, culinary eclectic and founder of one of Los Angeles’ first certified organic restaurants, Leaf Organics, author Rod Rotondi melds social activism and award-winning cuisine to “change the world one bite at a time.” He presents an intriguing look at how far we have strayed from a natural diet and offers practical and delicious steps for getting back to a healthier, more vibrant balance. Rotondi begins by revealing his own road to raw and then explores the history and multiple benefits of a raw food regime. His raw food philosophy is friendly, encouraging and accessible without any “holier than thou” attitude. “Adopting a raw-food diet is not about judging others or ourselves,” he writes. “It’s not about good or bad. It’s about things that work for us and things that don’t.”

    books_magiciansTHE MAGICIAN’S WAY: What it Really Takes to Find Your Treasure, by William Whitecloud (New World Library), 256 pages, $14.95 – A riveting teaching tale in the tradition of The Alchemist and Way of the Peaceful Warrior, The Magician’s Way is a practical and magical look at what we really want and how to get it. William Whitecloud founded and teaches the Living from Greatness program, through which he coaches clients to realize their dreams by connecting with their authentic, creative spirit. In this book, Mark Vale is besieged by financial and marital turmoil. He meets a group of contemporary alchemists who take him on a bewildering journey outside of his comfort zone and teach him the magical life.


    books_secretTHE SECRET DOCTRINE, by H.P. Blavatsky (Tarcher/Penguin), 255 pages, $17.95 – Madame Blavatsky’s masterpiece of occult philosophy is now scaled down to its essentials, providing the most readable, accessible experience ever of modern history’s seminal work of esoterica. The Secret Doctrine, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky’s magnum opus on the origin and development of the universe and humanity itself is arguably the most famous, and perhaps the most influential, occult book ever written. Its publication in 1888 generated in the West a groundswell of interest in esoteric philosophies, the effects of which are still being felt in literature and philosophy, in alternative and mainstream religious traditions, and in popular culture around the world. Yet, the book’s availability typically has been limited to hefty, expensive, two-volume editions, its length and price long eluding the grasp of most readers. This single-volume edition, abridged and annotated by historian and Theosophical scholar Michael Gomes, places the ideas and key sections of The Secret Doctrine within reach of all who are curious.


    books_Invest_in_joyINVEST IN JOY: A Journey to Inner Peace and Personal Empowerment ($20) & THE EIGHT PRINCIPLES TO INNER PEACE ($7) – Teachings of the Light Collective, by Dorothy Lee with channel Kathryn Harwig (Insight) – The Light Collective, a group of beings channeled by internationally acclaimed author, speaker and trainer Kathryn Harwig, teach based on The Eight Principles for living a joyous, free and abundant life. These principles, known to wise men since ancient times, are being revealed anew by The Light Collective because they feel we need this knowledge now. “We come here, as have many others,” they say, “to tell you to claim your power of intention, and to claim your power of emotion.”

    books_picturePICTURE YOURSELF DEVELOPING YOUR PSYCHIC ABILITIES, by Tiffany Johnson (Course Technology), 194 pages, $19.99 – Twin Cities psychic Tiffany Johnson unveils a step-by-step instruction guide for divination, speaking to spirit guides and much more. Filled with advice, tried and true methods and even potential hazards in working with and developing your psychic skills, this book is part history lesson, part reference tool and part guidebook for your personal journey. Readers will learn the history, practical application and basic divination tools used in psychic development. And the 60-minute DVD accompanying the book will feature the author demonstrating how to do a Tarot reading and much more.

    books_the_twelveThe TWELVE: 12.21.12 – A New Beginning, a novel by William Gladstone (Vanguard Press), 288 pages, $19.95The Twelve is an extraordinary and unforgettable novel about a most unusual and unsuspecting hero. As a child, Max lives in a world of colors and numbers, not speaking until the age of 6. Max has a near-death experience at age 15, during which he has a vision that reveals the names of 12 unique individuals. While Max cannot discern the significance of The Twelve names, he is unable to shake the sense that they have a deep meaning. As an adult, Max ventures on a journey of destiny to discover the secret behind the ancient Mayan prophecy about the “end of time.”

    books_how_longHOW LONG IS NOW? A Journey to Enlightenment…and Beyond, by Tim Freke (Hay House), 219 pages, $15.95 – In this unique and exhilarating book, stand-up philosopher Tim Freke shows you how to be spiritually awake in the perpetual now, while also passionately engaging with the adventure of life. The author, an internationally respected authority on spirituality, shares his own amazing journey to the ecstasy of oneness and the bliss of big love, inviting you to explore the “real world” of meaning, miracles and magic.

    books_one_momentONE MOMENT MEDITATION: Stillness for People on the Go, by Martin Boronson (Winter Road Publishing), 175 pages, $13.99
    – Martin Boroson distills the practice of meditation into an exercise that does not require hours of training or severe spiritual discipline, and fits within our fast-paced lifestyles. His radical approach starts with an exercise that takes just one minute a day. With practice, this takes less and less time…until you can do it in just a moment. The author, who has an MBA from Yale, combines his Zen training and psychotherapy background to present a self-paced, realistic and effective program – perfect for active people leading hectic lives.


    dvd_what_on_earthWHAT ON EARTH? Inside the crop circle mystery, by Suzanne Taylor (Mighty Companions), 81 minutes, $24.95 at – A superb, deep discussion by visionary artists, scientists, philosophers, educators and farmers on the meaning of crop circles, patterns that have appeared in fields for eons but have only recently touched our souls so that we might stretch and open our minds. This documentary tracks Suzanne Taylor’s interactions with “croppies” who go circle chasing, indulge in circle analysis and share why they are so fascinated by the phenomenon of crop circles. The patterns, often described as something “completely extraordinary” or “completely impossible,” are much more a mystery than you would be led to believe by the Doug & Dave misinformation campaign to explain crop patterns as man made. The fact is, electronic equipment often fails inside and above the patterns, and the human body can feel the shift of energy within the boundaries of crop circles. But why do they exist? Perhaps to wake us up and encourage us to begin working together as a human race, before it is too late.

    dvd_Quantum_ActivistTHE QUANTUM ACTIVIST: Amit Goswami, PH.D., by RI Stewart & Renee Slade (Bluedot Productions), 77 minutes, $24.95 – This award-winning documentary reveals a pioneer who is ushering in a revolutionary new perspective within science. Dr. Amit Goswami shares his vision of the unlimited potential of consciousness as the ground of all being, and how this revelation can actually help us to live better. He is challenging us to rethink our very notions of existence and reality, with a force and scope not felt since Einstein. He reveals how our views of reality have led to our current crisis.

    dvd_Shadow_EffectTHE SHADOW EFFECT: A Journey from Your Darkest Thought to Your Greatest Dream, by Debbie Ford (Hay House), 70 minutes, $29.95
    – This compelling video reveals why suppressed emotions and unresolved internal conflicts lead to behavior that continually unseats politicians, destroys celebrity careers, destabilizes the economy and affects the lives of millions each year. Some of today’s most provocative thinkers, including Deepak Chopra and Marianne Williamson, take part in this emotionally gripping and visually stunning film, exposing the opposing forces of both light and dark.

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