Sagittarius: The Archer


As we head into Thanksgiving, we also begin the Sun Sign of Sagittarius, which goes from November 22 until December 21. This is a time of looking forward; planning social and family get-togethers for Thanksgiving, reaping the bounty of the harvest, and gearing up for Winter Solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanza. The Archer is always looking to the future, planning big, dreaming high and hoping for the best.

Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign, both adaptable and creative. These people love to be busy learning, studying, teaching and traveling. Anything that expands their mind, experience or base of knowledge is important. Many Sagittarians love to study philosophy and religion, and they have high principles and a strong sense of truth and ethics. Sagittarians are always active, busy, involved in their own growth and helping others through various affiliations. This is a friendly outgoing sign, usually able to converse with many different types of people from different walks of life. Their generally optimistic, upbeat and enthusiastic natures make them easy to like.

The main problem with Sagittarius is they spread themselves too thin and have a hard time finding a focus. Many clients under this sign describe themselves as a “jack of all trades, master of none.” The mutable nature of this sign makes them able to adjust to changes, but they can also feel like a leaf blown in the wind. Jupiter – the planet that rules Sagittarius – governs the principle of expansion and growth. That means that always adding new and different things to life comes easily, but people born under this sign have trouble with discipline, structure and follow through. Because of their optimism, they sometimes offer more than they can deliver.

As we approach Winter Solstice and the longest night of the year, Sagittarius reminds us to appreciate what is good in life and harvest our knowledge and understanding to help us through the winter.

READ: Moonrabbit’s full Sun Sign Forecast for December

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Moonrabbit has been studying, teaching and professionally practicing astrology as her full-time passion and career in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area since 1974. Hers is the longest-standing professional astrology practice in the region. She has the longest track record of credibility and success in helping people understand and pragmatically use astrology to better their lives. Contact her at 651.690.0377. Visit her blog at, or her website at


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