The Edge has many angels who are assisting and supporting the magazine. One of them is Cathryn Taylor, who has a program “Take A Soul Step with Me” on BlogTalkRadio. At 5 p.m. Central on the second Wednesday of each month, Cathryn talks with people who are featured in the magazine. On January 13, she will be speaking with Hypnotherapist Susan Just of Dynamic Minds Inc., and Cathryn wants to contact Wes Hamilton to speak on the numerology of the year 2010.
She spoke with The Edge — Cathy Jacobsen and myself — several months ago but I am only now getting this link to you. My apologies for the delay!
We invite you to catch Cathryn’s BlogTalkRadio program every Wednesday at 5 p.m. Central.
LISTEN | Cathryn Taylor speaks with Tim Miejan and Cathryn Taylor about the recreation of The Edge magazine