Rev. Ron Moor to lead Spirit United Church

MINNEAPOLIS — The Council of Stewards of Spirit United Church named Rev. Ron Moor as its new lead minister, based on his extensive experience as a teacher, healer and minister.

Rev. Moor is a hands-on healer and ordained minister with more than 25 years experience working with clients and students across the country. He studied for eight years with noted healer Rosalyn L. Bruyere, and for three years Rev. Moor was lead pastor at her Healing Light Center Church and Seminary. He has also studied extensively with Carl Rogers at the Center for the Studies of The Person, at Manly P. Hall’s Philosophical Research Society, and with Roger Weir at the Shared Presence Institute.

In 1989, Rev. Moor moved to Minneapolis and founded the Center for Wholeness, where he offers classes on healing, spiritual growth and private healing sessions. He served for four years as associate pastor of Lake Harriet Community Church, and was twice Healer in Residence at the annual International Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship Conference. Moor has been a provider at Pathways since 1989, and is a past president of their board of directors. He has served as an associate minister at Spirit United Interfaith Church since 2001. Moor lives in the Minneapolis area with his wife (artist Donna Webb) and their two sons.

“I am deeply honored,” Rev. Moor said. “It feels like the right time, the right place. I am grateful for Carolyn’s [Cahill] spiritual leadership, where we are now, and excited about the possibilities we have for our future.”

Spirit United Church, 3204 Como Ave. SE, embraces ageless wisdom teachings, esoteric Christianity, and the unifying principles of all spiritual paths that demonstrate love, compassion and unity. Its mission is to advance personal spiritual transformation and the evolution of planetary consciousness. Sunday services are at 10:30 a.m.

For more information, visit or call 612.378.3602.


  1. So glad Rev. Ron Moor is at Spirit United.
    Have lost touch with you since my email address has changed.
    This is my new email address, old one is no longer functional.
    Thank you, Gail

  2. I am looking for someone who might perform a spiritual burial ceremony for a beloved pet on May 21st.

    I see that it is also the date of an Aurapalooza at Echo Bodine’s Center and that there is a Spirit Walker’s Full Moon Celebration on your site’s calendar from noon – 4PM. Ms. Bodine suggested I contact you to see if you were available or if you might know of someone who might be willing to perform such a service who is not a vendor that day at the Center or involved in the Full Moon Celebration.

    Thank you. Donna


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