The More, The Less


For me, the more we move through this process of transformation, the less easy it is to talk about it. That circumstance does provide challenge to a writer, but if words exist, I will persist.

It’s the reference that keeps shifting around, like trying to define smoke. Years ago, our reference was to things external. Addiction was a problem with a substance, a bad relationship was a problem with a person, and one’s spirituality was defined by which religion was chosen. Educational structures created a cultural mold, institutions of health care dictated the fixes for our bodies, and monetary systems defined our value to society. We were told who we were, and we lived according to whatever story we bought into. Beliefs, after all, cover a lot more territory than just discussions about God.

Our visions for a different future surfaced in the 1960s when consciousness began opening after a brutal series of 20th century wars that culminated in a blast radiating the planet. The seeds of a new field were planted, but we still made our issues about “the man” – a dualistic term used to describe whatever we thought held power over us. It took us until the 1980s to realize that we were the man as we finally began to include ourselves in the equation of our experiences.

That’s when many of us in the transformer generation began the challenging tasks of disassembling structures in consciousness that were no longer to hold power over our lives. Most of us didn’t understand that’s what we were doing, of course. Mostly we found ourselves in some form of crisis or therapy, unraveling the bindings of co-dependencies and other distortions grown in duality. It was in those disassembling processes that we began the transformative shift in earnest, and I will admit to being quite dang happy to have made it out the other side. My body grew tired, but my soul feels less bound than ever.

Still, all that personal work was only a phase of a bigger story – and now we move on.

During this past decade we have gone even deeper into the core of our beings, now realizing that this is a profound moment in the journey of consciousness. What I speak of is not about a person becoming conscious, but a momentous turning-point in the evolution of consciousness, itself. What I speak of is the matrix within which we exist and our existence within it, the whole of which is rapidly morphing into something not previously known in creation. I acknowledge the assumption in that last sentence, but I sense that the Universe doesn’t do repeats.

The current focus and our on-going process for 2010 is an alchemical fusion, merging the material and the spiritual into a new form. So, how do we describe the beings born of fusion and without separation of spirit and matter? I don’t know, but since it’s happening within our experience, I expect we’ll come up with something. Then again, “God” is merging within us to experience creation, so don’t expect much in the way of definition. If we can’t define ourselves now, I’m not expecting to have words for an expanded version of same.

Writers and teachers often use a metaphor to communicate what is beyond words to describe. Metaphors work because they reference a common experience to which we can relate. They’re like shortcuts to a level of knowing. At other times, we just repeat a belief or somebody else’s explanation when it has become presented so often that it is accepted as truth. Both techniques have limitations going forward. A lack of common experience can make metaphors ineffective, and repeating something previously repeated carries no assurance of authenticity. Plus, I am weary of platitudes and I prefer to stay as current as I can in sharing my views.

As our bodies and the earth continue to shift, events of de-creation will likely get more press than those of re-creation. My focus, however, is on our current process of fusion and eventual emergence as creator within creation.

The story is quickly growing larger, feelings are going deeper and I’m becoming convinced there are not enough superlatives in the English vocabulary to add appropriate flourish to the discussion. So, I am left with continual re-arrangement of common words to articulate what I can. Or, perhaps we need to create some new vocabulary. Our attempts may not become as ubiquitous as Google or as curious as mouse potato or soul patch, but there could be satisfaction in adding to the English lexicon before language finally goes completely out of style.

I’m open to confabulation.

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Chris LaFontaine
Chris LaFontaine is consciousness techie with the soul of an artist and healer. He shares his perspectives on personal and global transformation through blog posts at Lightsmith (, and can be contacted at


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