Coming Soon: Mercury Retrograde in Taurus


Mercury stations retrograde in the sign of Taurus on April 18; if it absolutely, positively has to be done, do it early in the month, because the last three weeks look a little less predictable.

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…Stops and starts are the nature of the game this month. This actually suits your strengths – you’re a sprinter, not a marathon man. So pick your spots and remember that all those little victories add up in the long run. Under the Aries New Moon mid-month, a friend or colleague helps you revamp your identity or update your look.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…This is a good month to lay back and let life happen. With Mercury retrograde in your sign, your most productive action comes from focusing inward. How are you packaging yourself in today’s changing world? Does your physical health support your goals? All the big changes now happen within you.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)…If you’re pitching a product, idea or service, do it before the Mercury retrograde mid-month. With Jupiter in Pisces, you have awesome career luck on your side in 2010. If the big opportunity isn’t here yet, remember the warrior’s way: a good hunter never panics because she or he knows that the prey will always come back around.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)…Finally you catch a break! With Mars direct, you find the energy and drive you need to develop a new source of income. You may be realizing that part of the problem is the way you have been defining your career role. Use the New Moon on April 14 to set your intention for a more appropriate and aligned approach to career and work.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…You come out blasting in the first half of the month. You’ve got your fire back, ideas are popping, and the world wants more of what you’ve got to give. Use the Mercury retrograde from April 18 onward to repackage a product or service and also to resuscitate a valuable – and lucrative – career project.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…There’s a certain grin-and-bear-it quality to this month, with Mars in your 12th House stirring up old karma and your ruling planet Mercury going retrograde again. Use the Mars energy to get some of those skeletons out of your closet. You’ve got great relationship energy this year, but you’ll attract better partners once you’ve dumped that old load of guilt and regret.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…After a series of near-misses, a friend or colleague finally comes through for you this month. Partnerships are especially intense and you may have to let someone leave around the middle of the month to make room for a better match. Negotiate based on who you are now, not who you were then.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…You like to think of yourself as so tough and cool, but you can be a real drama queen when things don’t go your way. Fortunately for all of us, they do this month! With Mars direct in your career house, you have the power and the drive to create what you desire in the world. Use the Mercury retrograde in your 7th House to re-vision how you relate.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…With Mars direct in your 9th House, this looks like the beginning of a great adventure. Whether it’s physical, metaphysical, or both, the next three months is the kind of trip that gets your creative and romantic juices flowing. Just remember that relationships take work and that not everyone can be as wild and free as you.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)…Life improves noticeably after the 15th, when you may have to make an unpopular decision impacting your home, family or a parent. Use the second half of the month to slow down and focus on the good and pleasurable things in life. Gratitude for your current good is the key to manifesting future abundance.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…You’re usually pretty laid-back, but Mars direct in your relationship house may find you picking fights with people just to prove you’re not a pushover. A little turf-protecting goes a long way – better to focus on aligning with wealth. A tidal shift in abundance is possible this year if you can visualize it and feel it as if it has already happened.

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…Because you don’t always see instant manifestation of your desires, you may fear your wishes aren’t working. Have faith. Keeping the faith is an act of intent and a spiritual practice that requires discipline and love to sustain. What you visualize with love now will manifest, sooner than you think. Notice how your parents’ fears subtly sabotage your ability to envision the best. Awareness heals.

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D.K. Brainard
D.K. Brainard, M.A., C.H., is a writer, musician, astrologer and certified hypnotherapist who specializes in helping clients identify where they are on their own Hero's Journey and take appropriate steps to reconnect with their soul/Higher Self/creative unconscious. To carry out this work, D.K. uses the tools of astrology, energy work, compassion, and hypnotic shared exploration of limiting identity states and desired goal states. For more on the eclipses and free weekly horoscopes each Monday, visit his website:


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