Kirtan – a practice of mantra chanting that stills the mind and frees the heart – will be presented by Dave Stringer, regarded as one of the most gifted singers in the genre, at 8 p.m. Saturday, April 24, at Old Arizona Theater, 2821 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis. Tickets are $20 in advance ($25 at the door) at Sacred Rearrangements (2207 Lyndale Ave. S., Minneapolis), by phone at 612.879.6105 or online at
Sung in call-and-response form, ecstasy is both the process and the product of Kirtan. Stringer’s sound infuses the mysticism of traditional Indian instruments with the exuberant intensity of American gospel and jazz. His work creates a modern and participatory theatrical experience out of the ancient traditions of kirtan and yoga, open to a multiplicity of interpretations, and accessible to all. Based in Los Angeles, since 2000 Stringer and his ensemble have produced six CDs and toured North America, Europe and Australia tirelessly. Dave will be joined by special guest Jaya Lakshmi. The concert also features Minneapolis favorites Susan Shehata, Colleen Buckman and band.
This event is produced by Raising the Consciousness, the radio show for conscious living, presented on Sundays at 1 p.m. on AM950. The event is sponsored by Sacred Rearrangements, shop and healing center in Uptown Minneapolis, Fair Trade Om, a conscious, philanthropic production company and Coconut Bliss. For more information, visit or