Psychic Symposium features speakers and exhibitors


Three nationally known speakers and authors will keynote “Psychic Symposium 2010,” presented by Edge Life Expos & Events from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, May 22, at Earle Brown Heritage Center, 6155 Earle Brown Dr., in Brooklyn Center. Exhibitors include intuitive readers, wellness products, healing resources, animal communicators, aura photos, jewelry, crystals and other unique gift items. Keynote speakers offer valuable insight and advice for living well.

Edge Life Expos & Events Producer Gary Beckman said: “This is probably the largest event with intuitive consultants and psychic readers under one roof than anytime during the year. It’s a good place for those unfamiliar with this area to get a reading in a safe place at introductory rates.”

The keynote speakers are:

  • Psychic and healer Sunny Dawn Johnson presents “A Psychic Investigator’s Journey to the Other Side!” She will discuss how psychics and mediums receive divine guidance and the tools you can use to tap in and recognize your own abilities. As a psychic detective, she will share how she works “real” cases, bringing closure to families of missing loved ones.
  • Lena Swanson, a professional animal communicator and healer, will present: “Do Animals Have Souls?” She will share the incredible experiences she’s had speaking with animals and will answer questions such as: Do animals have souls? What are they like? Are they different or the same as human souls? Can an animal have a past life as a human or a human as an animal? Lena will do short telepathic animal communication sessions with a few participants whose names are randomly drawn.
  • Medium and author Troy Parkinson will present “Messages from the Afterlife,” a gallery style event filled with messages of hope and healing from departed loved ones. He also will sign copies of his book, Bridge to the Afterlife.

Admission is $7 at the door — $2 discount each for two or more people. Speaker tickets include admission to the symposium; advance tickets are available for a discounted rate at or call 1.877.776.5244. Tickets for keynoters also are available at the door. Exhibit space is available by calling Dee LaFroth at 715.259.3047 or [email protected].

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