The impressions that I’m getting from my Guides and Angels tell me that banks and the financial industry is in for another round of what happened in 2008. It might hit this year, or next year, again because the greedy people and companies have learned nothing.
I also think the judicial branch and government in general are in for a rude awakening. I think there will be a revolution, because people are tired of picking up the tab for greedy and irresponsible companies. We will have a new government that totally has a clue about serving the people, and the same for our justice system. Right now this justice system is not for the people. It supports big industry and the elitists.
The days for the Big Titans are coming to an end. People cannot connect to a big, heartless company. People want relationships with companies that are there for them. They don’t want surface relationships with someone that would heartlessly throw you out of your home in a bad economy.
Small businesses that are built on relationships will survive. These are people who talk to your face and not behind your back at a meeting. The businesses that focus on money first and the client second will not survive. People who love giving their services to their clients because they create a caring relationship will sustain themselves. The money will flow in more and more. The focus is on the relationship and not about the money.
Many who operate holistic businesses freak out about paying the bills and then they focus on the money. That worry tends to draw poverty consciousness to you. When you are enjoying what you do, and when you enjoy your relationship with your customers, the money will begin to flow inward. Your customers will surprise you in good ways and more good and positive things will start to roll in.
To get out of the spiral of freaking out about paying bills, sometimes we have to take baby steps, because we really can’t see the big picture. We really don’t know which way to turn, because we’re in that energy of chaos. Most of us have been there at one time or another. We call this “hitting rock bottom.” Make a list of things that you need to do with your business or life. Start to get some clarity. The next step is to go through the list, item by item, and see which priority feels easiest to do, and then do it. As we slowly emerge out of chaos, we will see the lightness around us instead of all the heavy energy.
One last thing: Your deceased loved ones and ancestors are always watching over you. Sometimes you will catch a whiff of their perfume or after shave lotion. They love you very much and are with you on this journey.
Penny Johnson, Raven Hawke LLC 651.793.9660,