From tragedy to transformation — a mother’s story


    I have always been intrigued by various aspects of spirituality — ESP, psychics, spirit communication. I found each of these totally fascinating, but I had absolutely no personal experience with any of them.

    Everything changed on September 20, 2003 when my 20-year old daughter, Elizabeth, died of smoke inhalation from a fire in her duplex just a few blocks from the University of Minnesota, where she had just begun her sophomore year.

    That day my life was turned upside down. My journey began and still continues today. My daughter’s death was painful and totally unexpected — however, I immediately knew she was fine and that, in time, my family and I would be fine, as well.

    Within the first week of her death she sent signs to me, to her father, to her grandmother and to one of her closest high school friends. Each sign was completely different — yet, so appropriate for that person.

    Two months after her death, she led me to Kathryn Harwig and my journey with spirit communication really began. Through Kathryn I learned that Liz’s strong personality was still very much intact, and she was very happy to be in spirit.

    “Yes, I died, she said — but so what!” I had to smile — it sounded exactly like something my wild and crazy daughter would say!

    In 2005 I began Kathryn’s Intuitive Mastery classes. I signed up not knowing what would happen or what I would learn. Could I learn to communicate with Liz on my own?

    Not only did I learn to communicate with her, but, much to my amazement and surprise, I learned I could get intuitive information for other people, and even communicate with those on the other side. It took some time for me to fully embrace this ability, but now I use it at every opportunity. Not only is my life better, but being able to help others brings a peace and joy I never anticipated. As hard as it is to accept at times, I truly believe that the death of my daughter led me to my life’s purpose.

    Today, I have retired after 35 years in the business world, and am a writer and speaker. Liz’s death has truly been my journey of tragedy to transformation, and I embrace my new life with Liz by my side in love and laughter — but most of all in joy!

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    Kim Wencl
    Kimberly Wencl is a Homestead Hospice House Volunteer, a writer and a speaker who lives in southern Minnesota. Visit her website, Love Lives On, at


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