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An animal communicator can telepathically talk with your pets, whether they are living or in spirit form. They will give you vital information for their happiness and wellness.
The following intuitives offer animal communication services:
- Animal Bridges, Elaine Garley, 612.237.9580, [email protected], www.animalbridges.com — Elaine communicates with all animals, living and deceased, helping people understand their pet’s needs — especially end of life issues. She hears running conversations, feels emotions/physical issues and provides the guardians a transcript. Although she hears the conversation, often it feels like the words just flow out of her fingers.
- Animal Psyche, Dawn Huebner, 651.480.8866, [email protected], www.AnimalPsyche.com — Providing animal communication consultations for your companion animals. Address behavior, health and end of life issues, or obtain information from animals in spirit form. Services provided by phone to clients nationwide and in Canada.
- Animal Whisperer, Bonnie Card, 707.332.7502, [email protected], www.conceptsforsuccess.com — Strengthen your connection with your animal through an Animal Communication Session. Bonnie connects with your animal through a picture, name, age and energy to assist you in a conversation with your animal over the phone. Also, she brings in Reiki energy to balance the energy in your animal to promote wellness.
- Tara Argall, 701.238.3265, [email protected], www.TaraArgall.com — Animal Communication, Healing and Animal Mediumship. Helping you and your animal companions live healthy and harmonious lives together.
- Brother Wolf and Friends, Kathy Grimes, 952.270.4306, [email protected], www.BrotherWolfAndFriends.com — Over the last 20 years, animal have allowed Kathy to walk with them. They have telepathically shared their stories and have allowed her to talk with their humans. In doing so, issues between animals and humans have been resolved. It is an honor for Kathy to be an animal communicator.
- Karen Craft, 515.233.2308, [email protected], www.animalshaman.com — Karen Craft, author (with contributing author, Connery Craft, her companion cat) of The Cosmic Purr: Inspiration for Animal Lovers, offers in-depth, compassionate Animal Communication readings by telephone. All species and multi-animal families welcome. As an ordained Shamanic Minister and Reiki Master, Karen can provide distance healing support for animals.
- Dancing Porcupine, Sage Lewis, 612.817.4473, [email protected], www.dancingporcupine.com — Sage Lewis is an animal/human whisperer and fun person. Her passion is supporting the excellence in all creatures. Sage works with living, deceased and those in transition. Sage is the author of JAVA: The True Story of a Shelter Dog Who Rescued a Woman and host of “The Pet Playground” on AM950 in the Twin Cities.
- Alison James Communications, 612.724.1020, [email protected], www.spiritcommunication.org — Professional Medium, Psychic and Teacher Alison James has a strong affinity with all creatures. She offers readings by phone and in-person, Private Galleries, Psychic Self Development Courses and Professional Psychic & Medium Training and Practice Courses. Owner Spirit Spectacular Shows [www.spiritspectacularshows.com].
- Peace of Mind, Body & Soul, Jenny Gott, 952.484.4396, [email protected], www.animal-intuition.com — Animal communication sessions and classes, Reiki Practitioner, Equine Massage Therapist and Young Living Distributor.
- Pure Spirit — Animal Communication, Training & Behavior Solutions, Marilyn Tokach, 952.226.2660, [email protected], www.Pure-Spirit.com — Pure Spirit is dedicated to creating understanding between people and animals. Through appreciation of our differences, we can learn to live in harmony with our animal companions. Founded in 2001, we offer professional animal communication consultations, workshops & seminars along with private, in-home dog training. We work with 750-1000 animals/year.
- Mary Stoffel, 763.444.8146, [email protected], www.humanimal.com — Mary Stoffel, professional animal communicator, has taught animal telepathy workshops since 1999. Mary’s mission is to facilitate communication and understanding between people and their animal companions using telepathy, essential oils and shamanic healing to help people and animals with holistic health issues. Contact her for lectures, one-on-one consultations and classes.
- Lena Swanson, 651.206.0644, [email protected], www.lenaswanson.com — Lena Swanson has been a full-time animal communicator since 2002 and is well known for her accuracy and wonderful rapport with both human and animal clients. She also teaches animal communication classes, has an active healing practice for both people and animals and has been featured on radio and television.