Question for May 9, 2010


Edge Question of the Week:
If you found yourself traveling alone on a two-week cruise with only one book and your music iPod, what book would you be reading, and what music would you be listening to?


Tim Miejan:
Let me begin, since I posed the question …hmmm…I guess I would be reading t he book I am currently re-reading: Leonard Jacobson’s Journey into Now, and I would be listening to a mix-CD that I created for a group of friends.

Alison James:
Neither – I would be enjoying the ocean sounds and nature and chatting with other who may be on the cruise. Happy to be alive in the moment.

Kathy Dannel Vitcak:
Fun question! My Touch iPod is one of my favorite techie tools and i have waxed eloquent on my love for it before. I would be reading what I am reading currently, Ainslie MacLeod’s The Transformation: Healing Your Past Lives to Realize Your Soul s Potential. GREAT insightful book, he is my latest author crush. Music … I am actually not a big music person, I listen to ambient music, yeah, good old classic Steve Halpern kinda music, so I will go with anything by him. I can feel the sun on my face as I sit in my deck chair, reading this great book, Iistening to soothing music and sipping something appropriate! Thanks for a bit of a get-a-way as I wait for it to get a bit warmer up here in northern MN.

Amy Santana:
hmmm. can i take two: i’d take frances mayes’ latest lyrical book about tuscany and a blank journal, for music i’d take a best of enya and related music & something soulful with not too many words

Steve Collins, LAc:
Well, considering it’s a cruise and I don’t think I’d be spending a whole lot of time reading or listening, the list isn’t extensive. I only get to choose one book and the assumption is that I’ll be coming back home to access to all the others. As far as music, I’ll pick also just a few to keep me occupied while I’m laying out. Besides, no one knows what I’m listening to. Book – The Lord of the Rings – It’s not heavy reading. I’ve read it before so I don’t have to be totally absorbed in it and there’s always something new to find in it. Besides, it can be a great conversation-starter. Music – selected Jean-Luc Ponty, Rush, Coldplay, Kitaro, Billy Joel and AC/DC

Cassandra K. Roberson:
It would be a good opportunity for me to finish reading Autobiography of a Yogi. Not into the ipod thing, but if I had to choose music, it would be a collection of Vedic Chants from the Holy Ganges.

The Bhagavad Gita and Pearl Jam. 🙂

Jaine Benson:
The Guide to the I Ching by Carol Anthony

Two weeks with only one book! It would have to be something on the order of The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts. Something so densely packed that I couldn’t read more than a page or two without stopping to process what I’d just read. Since I’ve mostly internalized the Seth books, I’d need something new or maybe go back to Carlos Casteneda with greater understanding. For music, I’d load my brand new ipod with Peter Mayer and an assortment of celtic music for listening to when I’m not listening to the music of the sea or chatting with fellow travelers.

I’m not sure I could travel alone, I’m having a challenging time living alone. How ever, I would most likely be listening to some type of mediative type music something from Deva Premal more than likely. As far as books, I would most likely be reading some type of self-help book, something on spirtuality, or, one of Jean AueI’s books. Esmeralda Lord of the Rings for reading, and Gregorian Chants or various requiems for music.

Bonny Kraus:
I would be reading Aydashanti’s book, The End of Your World, and listening to Bob Dylan – after all he is from Minnesota.

Desiree de Angelise:
I would take The Prophet. It offers such wonderful comments as “Work is love made visible” and “Your children are not your children, they are the sons and daughters of Life longing for itself. Enough food for thought for at least two weeks!!! Musically, listen to Grieg or Borodin, again with enough beautiful melodies for weeks.

Bridget Bagley:
I would be reading two books at once as usual. One would be a newly published one-of-a-kind read The Call of Soul by Harold Klemp who goes further than any philosophy, metaphysics or orthodox religion. Why do bad things happen to people? What happens after death? If there is one truth for everyone? Learn the secrets of HU. Yikes! So real and beautiful. Even has a free CD in side the backcover. The other book would be Frank Joseph’s new release, Atlantis in 2010. He is a thorough historian who uses history. As Winston Churchill said, “The longer you can look back, the further you can see forward.” Music? I listen to bird calls and songs of canaries. Truly the most lovely weave of the audible life current, the HU, the spring of all life sounds. It makes the sap rise in the spring trees and opens the chloroplasts to the sun. It is the sound current of the little winged freinds that starts the grass to green, literally. I prefer it to Mozart, and that is saying alot!

Piano music

I would take the Ringing Cedars Series book by Vladamir Megre to ponder and meditate on while the sea breezes drift across me, lulling me to greater awareness. I would listen to the music made by the voices and sounds of the floating city, dance whenever possible and find interesting people to engage in conversation.

Ramona Smith:
I’d most likely read another book by the Dalai Lama and absorb myself in my surroundings, truly engaging myself in the moment. Music would be a collection of my favorite reggae music I’ve collected since 1971, it’s what I listen too any chance I get!

Jessica Rains:
Book: Since I JUST finished The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight, by Thom Hartman, and it was EXCELLENT, I would probably get another book by him and read The Prophet’s Way (I SO want to read this!) I RECOMMEND THE ONE I JUST READ! Buy it, read it ALL (the first part is kinda hard to read but it’s important to think about and necessary for the rest of the book to make sense), and then buy a copy for someone you know. I did this and I highly recommend others do it too. They have super cheap used copies on Amazon.
Music: Oh – whatever I had on my iPod, that fit the mood. I don’t mind bragging that my music collection is perfect for any mood, any location. Kimura Kaela (Japanese artist) has really upbeat rock tunes with very optimistic positive lyrics that often make you think about the world. I LOVE her work. There’s a couple new age groups from Korea too, Doo Pun.. ok I can’t spell it, 2nd Moon is the name of the band. They’re so light and free sounding. Hmm, cruise means ocean and wind, so I’d probably listen to something like Enya, too (because no matter how cliché that is, it still feels good!) Good stuff! So how can we get in on this cruise thing? lol

Chris LaFontaine:
If I ever found myself on a two-week cruise alone I would probably be reading The Comprehensive Guide to Finding Your Perfect Woman: A Man’s Dating Toolbox. The Pod (complete with mini-speakers) would be loaded with so mething by Barry White, just in case. 😉

Tim Miejan:
Perhaps I should have used the cliché scenario of a deserted island rather than a cruise!

I’d be relaxing next to a mountain stream in Montana’s Beartooth mountains reading Fractal Time by Gregg Braden, listening to the soundtrack from Crazy Heart.

My answer would have been the same less the human interaction!

I would be re-reading Starseed, The third Millennium, Living in the posthistoric World, by Ken Carey. The first edition was published in 1991 and speaks of the time period between ’87 and 2012, so it’s an overview of what we would be experiencing during this past 25-year transitioning period as the misconceptions of historical understanding, and the institutions built on them are being cleaned up and healed. If you can understand that all the conflict and destruction we are presently witnessing is this process, as the new energy coming in behind it is pushing to the serface every fragmented bit of un grounded information that’s been stuck in our genes for thousands of years, it makes it a bit easier to accept that there is a purpose to it all. And we do have responsiblity to learn to open to and assist this intelligent energy, as it needs our imput to ground in a way that is as least destructive as possible. People have believed the lies for so long they keep trying to salvage them and they are afraid. For music, I like Lorrena McKennit, the drumming by David and Steve Gordon, some classical, ambient stuff, a variety really.

Jody Tschida:
I usually bring a book on Energy Anatomy or Quantum Healing, but end up just Iugging a big book around while I spend most my free time meeting people so now I just bring my Reiki magazine (William Rand), great articles, easy to pack. I usually dont have my MP3 on in public, since it cuts me of from communication. But if it was a desert island it would be: The Ribbon Breath Meditation, Carolyn Myss – Energy Anatomy, and my feel good mix:
“0 Happy Day”
“What the World Needs Now”
“I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing”
“I Can See Clearly Now”
“I’ll Take you There”
“Into the Mystic” and all other Van Morrison classics

Rosie Magel:
I would enjoy the cruise. Listen to the ocean. Meet people. But if the weather would get very bad., I would go in my cabin, read Harry Potter and listen to something relaxing.

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