A groundbreaking personal development program, “The Big Evening,” will be presented Thursday, June 17, in Minneapolis by Life University.
“It’s a 90 minute talk” explains founder and world-renowned speaker Seymour Segnit, “but we will not just be teaching: we’ll actually take participants through a fun, safe, transformational process to clear the ‘baggage’ that has held them back – a major step towards their future success.”
The Big Evening is an intense, 90-minute seminar that helps anyone to take their life “to the next level.” Life University is offering the program FREE to Minnesotans upon registration at TheBigEvening.com.
The Big Evening promises to teach:
- The one major thing that has held you back – and how to vanquish it forever.
- How to immediately “break” negative thinking, anytime, anywhere.
- The Secret to “installing” your dreams, so their fulfillment becomes automatic.
“Successful people have an incredible secret: not only do they know what they want, they get out of their own way!” Segnit says. “Minnesotans are going to LOVE the fast results they get at this amazing free program.”
Tickets are available while supplies last at TheBigEvening.com.
Life University was founded in 2008 to make the best in personal development programs accessible to the widest possible audience. Based in the United States, Life University can be reached at LifeUniversity.com.