Many people assume they are healthy until they have some serious symptoms that disrupt their daily routine. When these symptoms become too uncomfortable, they visit their doctor. Most physicians usually dispense a pharmaceutical drug to relieve symptoms.
This solution doesn’t solve the root problem of their illness. So in addition to their symptoms, their body may experience mild to serious side-effects from the pharmaceutical drug. This type of care is primarily what health care plans cover. Is this the right fit for you?
If you also question this approach, what type of plan have you created for your wellness? Let me explain further.
I have a typical health care plan with a high deductible, so I only use it for one wellness visit per year. Personally, I know that my health insurance plan is an excellent fit for an emergency like a broken bone, stitches or a diagnostic test, but it isn’t a good fit for how I want to proactively manage my health.
Recently, I realized that I had to think outside of the box for my health care. My definition of health care is different from the mainstream definition, so I decided to invest in the holistic services and providers that would keep me healthy.
The biggest stumbling block for most people in designing their own, proactive wellness plan is the additional cost – and I agree, it is definitely an added expense. However, if creating your own personalized wellness plan is a priority for you, then decide how you can move towards this goal.
For me, I downsized my home and car to add these additional wellness services. My husband and I also choose not to spend more than about $40 on dinner or go on expensive vacations. We don’t have cable television and, overall, we keep life simple. We now find more enjoyment in walks around the lakes, bike riding, weekend getaways and $3 movies at the local theater.
Many people spend their lives planning financially for their retirement, but very little time on a wellness plan to ensure they can be active and healthy during their later years. Do you take your health for granted? Do you assume it will continue to go well? This line of thinking is a gamble. Instead, consider planning for your wellness just as carefully as you plan for your children’s college education and/or your retirement. Is there anything more important than your health? Without your health, nothing else matters.
How can you tell which areas of your health need attention if you aren’t using the traditional method of waiting until you have a serious symptom? It’s actually quite simple. Think about your health for a moment. Consider any small symptom you might have outside of feeling clear-headed, positive, relaxed and healthy. Some common signs the body may experience to warn you that it’s unbalanced would be a runny nose, allergies, tiredness, stress, achiness, unstable blood sugar, bloating, pain, unclear complexion, extra weight, anxiety, etc. If you proactively work towards resolving these smaller symptoms, then there’s a much better chance they won’t become chronic diseases.
I invite you to create and implement a wellness plan for you and your family. To help you get started, I’ve listed the services that not only maintain my health but keep my stress level low. Consider these options as a starting point and tailor a plan that works for you and your budget.
Organic, natural foods
4 weeks vacation per year
Nutritional Counseling
Chiropractic care
Holistic Dentist
Gym Membership
Shiatsu Massage