Mercury and Autism lecture


ST. PAUL – A free lecture on the link between mercury poisoning and Autism will be presented at 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 4, at the Student Center Theater of the University of Minnesota, St. Paul Campus, 2017 Buford Ave., St. Paul. Parking available for $6 at Gortner Avenue ramp.

The speakers will be Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill, authors of The Age of Autism. Of their book, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. notes: “A devastating account that shows how medical and manufacturing interests have mounted an assault on human health for decades and covered their tracks along the way. Autistic children are the canaries in the coal mine.”

Sponsors of this event are Holland Center,, Midwest Wellness Center, Fresh & Natural Foods, OxyHealth, Parents United Against Autism, Herbs for Autism, Circle Pines Dental and C.A.D.E.

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