I chop the first one without flinching fling
it to the ground grab the next hack
it off with a smile a premeditated gleam deep
within my heart no small task, I realize without falter, I continue does my smile mask
my fear?
my pain?
my anger?
The next one falls
and another
and another
like autumn leaves stirred from slumber wanting
to cling to their home base but they’re
plucked away from their lifeblood that they can’t
enjoy anyway they’re gone in a moment
and I stare at myself wisp away the
remains clean and straighten although the evidence
is with me clear upon my head I’m naked as the
trees in winter awaiting snow to crest their branches and kiss them softly pressing firmly
against their bellies protecting them without asking.
My head rages with openness my third eye soaring my
heart reeling I sit
letting go
without the tears needed
punching my insides fighting against
the wall the fortress I’ve built my mighty Gare du Nord a haven
for my soul impenetrable from the outside inescapable
from within
where are my kisses and protection my
blanket that I’m