Dr. Michael Ulm, an internationally known healer, teacher and intuitive will present a holistic health presentation and a series of seven “Healing Miracles Services” at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community in April.
Dr. Ulm, a colleague of the late world renowned healer Dr. Willard Fuller, is known for the frequent manifestation of healings and miracles in his services. In his services, participants have experienced: teeth and fillings turning to gold, silver, platinum or porcelain; wounds heal quickly; long term urinary tract infections and bronchitis just disappear, chronic pain dissolving or disappearing without a trace; cases of cancer, even terminal stage four cancer healing and long held traumas release instantly or incrementally.
Services will take place at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community, 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis, from 7-9:30 p.m. Saturday, April 16, and also from 7-9:30 p.m. on April 20-23, with two matinees from 1:30-3:30 p.m. on April 21-22. Services are open to the public at no charge. Participants will be offered the opportunity to make a free will donation to All Light Ministries – U.S. & International – that supports Dr. Ulm’s work.
On Saturday, April 16, Dr. Ulm will give a four-hour presentation on Holistic Approaches to Arteriolosclerosis, Heart Issues, Cancer and other topics as time allows, with a Q & A session after lunch from 2-4 p.m.
“My work expands minds as it heals dis-ease and leaves participants profoundly moved by the transformative power of Divine Love,” Dr. Ulm proclaims.
Dr. Ulm holds a Bachelors of Holistic Health from the Mediforphic Institute, where he studied natural medicine under Rev. Hanna Kroger. He is a National Board Certified Counseling Intuitive and is completing his doctorates in Energy Medicine and Spiritual Counseling with Holos Graduate Seminary.
For more information about the activities during this Holy Week at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community, please contact Nancy Couné at 612.922.4272 or Dr. Michael Ulm at 941.932.3673 or visit www.alllightministries.com.