Dead Sea Scroll: ‘We’ve been dead wrong’ about book of Romans


Breaking the Romans Code, a provocative new book from leading cryptographer and author Michael Wood, scientifically disproves 1,500 years of deeply held religious beliefs. A newly deciphered Dead Sea Scroll discredits beliefs about the Biblical book of Romans.

“For centuries, Christians have believed the book of Romans rejects the liberal notion that the only thing that matters is making the needs of others equal to your own,” Wood said.  “My Dead Sea Scroll discovery shows we’ve been dead wrong.  The newly decoded scroll shows Romans was the most liberal book in the Bible.  Talk about a game changer.”

Wood, an internationally recognized cryptographer, holder of three cryptanalytic patents and designer of REDOC-II (one of the only unbreakable codes in existence today) achieved commercial success providing the opportunity for early retirement.  This allowed Wood to focus on personal areas of interest, including decoding the now famous Dead Sea Scrolls.

Using cryptanalysis, a code-breaking process made famous in the fictional Di Vinci Code, Wood used information found in a Dead Sea Scroll to crack the book of Romans from the Bible’s New Testament and discovered that it originally taught that the Golden Rule, “love thy neighbor as thy self,” is all that matters.

While poring through the Dead Sea scrolls in historic cave four for nearly a decade, Wood became increasingly enthralled by a particular scroll titled “Some Works of the Law.” This scroll was the first time archaeologists had seen this phrase outside the Biblical writings of the apostle Paul.  Wood set out to use this scroll as a basis for his decipherment.

The solution revealed that the first century Jewish nation used the term “Works of the Law” to refer to all the commandments between man and God in their Law. Romans used the term to explain that, because of Jesus’ Golden Rule, none of the religious commandments between man and God matter at all. The only thing that counts is “love thy neighbor as yourself.”

Due to the empirical, provable nature of Breaking the Romans Code, the book is destined to stir up a lot of controversy between the scientific and religious communities. For more information, visit

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