Star Wisdom | June 2011


Fasten your seat belts. After a comparatively mellow May, June starts off with a solar eclipse in Gemini on the 1st. We get a lunar (full moon) eclipse in Sagittarius on the 15th, and then another solar eclipse in Cancer overnight on the 30th. Three eclipses in one month makes for some intense transformational astrology. Can you say “grounding and centering”?

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…You’re probably going to need to spend more this month with Mars in your 2nd House of money and possessions. Fortunately, though, Jupiter moves into your money house on June 4 to stay for an entire year. Jupiter will not only help you pay those bills, but it will also help you expand beyond your current financial state.

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…What a change a few weeks can bring. Lucky Jupiter moves into your sign on June 4, bringing a wave of good fortune into your life. Jupiter will expand your sense of self, generosity and vision, making you an abundance magnet. June’s eclipses push you to let go of a bad money situation and tune into something better.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)…Redefining who you are at this stage in your life is the key message of the June eclipses. Surprising news or insight into a key relationship might come as a shock, but it helps you get clearer about your own role. With Jupiter now in your 12th House, you have a guardian angel looking out for you.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)…June has the potential to be extremely weird at times. Fortunately, Jupiter’s shift into your 11th House gives you access to important and helpful connections, both social and professional. Friends are also there when you need them. Use the eclipse energy to learn where you’ve been sabotaging your own progress.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…Your career prospects get a huge boost at the start of the month when Jupiter, bringer of good fortune and expansion, moves into your 10th House for a one-year visit. You may quite suddenly realize that you’re not in the right field or that you’ve been chasing success in the wrong ways. Shifting your focus brings positive outcomes.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…Eclipses in your 4th and 10th Houses bring a major reevaluation of your career strategy and a revelation about your home, family or emotional state. You roll with this data, though, because you’re flowing much more freely in June than in previous months. Jupiter in Taurus heightens your intuition, so listen up.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…You get a blast of insight from the June 1 eclipse that shows you how to change your self-presentation in order to get more of the results you want in the world. Even though this feels big, it’s remarkably easy to digest and assimilate, once you perceive how this shift fits in with the big picture of your life.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…You could get major money news this month, thanks to two eclipses on your financial axis. The June 1 eclipse shows you why it’s so important to stop holding yourself back: Get serious and clean out all that psychic junk that keeps you trapped in the past. Jupiter in Taurus brings you the best relationship energy you’ve had in a long time, so enjoy it!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…You might have to give someone his or her walking papers this month; at the very least you clarify your relationship roles. You’re coming to a new vision of who you are and you’re not going to be held down in chains any longer — it’s time to walk your talk in a big way.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)…It’s a good month to get real serious about managing your energy. If you need help with an addiction or with just feeling overwhelmed, reach out and ask for it. The other great place for you to go is art. Any creative project that gets your energy flowing will magically attract joy and romance this month.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…The June eclipses are basically friendly to you — you may wonder why others are running around as if the sky is falling while you start a major new creative project (or romance) and commune with your Higher Self. Nature continues to be very healing and grounding.

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…You may suddenly decide to move or you could get news about a parent at the June 1 eclipse. It looks like you have support for whatever comes up — just ask for what you need. The lunar eclipse mid-month brings major career news, possibly including media attention or the chance to teach or speak.

Listen to “Edge Astrology with D.K. Brainard” at 6 p.m. Central on the first Wednesday of each month, June 1 and July 6, by calling 1.714.364.4750 or go to Listen to all archives at

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