Imagine back to the best day of your life, back to a time when you felt the most alive.
Close your eyes and imagine a time when nothing could ruin your day. You were in the moment, on top of the world; everything was just as it should be. Maybe you were getting married or accepting a job promotion; completing some project, creating some artwork, or having your first child. Perhaps you are remembering the feeling of some big dream you had. Feel that feeling of ease, clarity, joy and even invincibility. Nothing can stop you, nothing can ruin your day…feel this for a moment…you are empowered. Why can’t you have that feeling more often?
Now you can, through Human Emergence And Rapid Transformation (H.E.A.R.T.)! That feeling you remembered is produced by your higher brain, an area called the pre-frontal cortex (the newest part of the human brain). Scientists have discovered that this new brain has salutogenic mechanisms (from the Latin word “salus,” which means health, well-being, vitality and salvation).
Ability to rejuvenate
Stress decreases healing, clarity and focus. It also impacts the quality and value of daily life. The new brain does the opposite. When the higher brain is energized, your body’s ability to rejuvenate is accelerated. It turns on your body’s ability to rejuvenate and feel that sense of inner calm, power and meaning. That feeling of well-being is meant to be your natural state. However, with all the demands of the modern world, we haven’t been able to keep the new brain energized.
Research informs us that, thus far, only about 5 percent of the new brain is being used by humanity! The good news is that your higher brain can be energized and become your new baseline.
H.E.A.R.T. is the technique that leads to Higher Brain Living!
Pathways in the body have been discovered that lead to the pre-frontal cortex (higher new brain). Through very precise touch, on contact points along these pathways, energy is released that travels to and engages the new brain. We have demonstrated this increased higher brain metabolism through EEG study.
Energizing your new brain promotes rejuvenation — physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Following a series of H.E.A.R.T. sessions, you will have instant access to that higher brain experience and can apply it to all areas of your life. One of the first things noticed during a 45-minute H.E.A.R.T. session is the experience of oxygen pumping to your higher brain. As metabolism is increased in your higher brain, stress is released through natural salutogenic waves in the body. Stress is cleared out and a shift from lower brain to higher brain functioning occurs.
Higher Brain Livingâ„¢ then is the application of the energized, empowered higher brain state to all the areas of your life.
Four areas of growth
Your life has four major dimensions or areas: Mind (all inner experience, including emotion, thought, spiritual experience, consciousness and awareness); Body; Relationships; and Environment. These four major dimensions are all fundamental and irreducible aspects of who you are and are part of the essential nature of every human being. Noted philosopher Ken Wilber has demonstrated this in more than 20 books. The Higher Brain Livingâ„¢ approach promotes growth in all four of these essential areas of your life.
A major breakthrough of H.E.A.R.T and Higher Brain Living is in the energizing of the new higher brain and associating that response with your life’s goals and passions.
This energized higher brain response is required to actualize and sustain the transformations that are sought in most people’s lives. H.E.A.R.T. and Higher Brain Living have the ability to anchor your positive thoughts, ideas, goals, dreams, passions and attitudes with the part of the brain that can sustain those positive thoughts. Once sustained, it drives the ideas, goals, dreams, passions and attitudes into long-term, actualized reality. Einstein once said, “You can’t solve a problem from the same level of consciousness that created the problem in the first place.”
H.E.A.R.T. and Higher Brain Livingâ„¢ sessions allow you to think about the changes you wish to make in your life and the new brain energizes and you feel empowered! Your goals are no longer just fleeting ideas; they are now embodied. Your energized new brain will help sustain your thoughts and convert them to action. How different would life be if just thinking about your goals or life passions instantly produced the internal feeling that you could take on the world and nothing could stop you?
Once the shift from lower brain to higher brain occurs and Higher Brain Living is experienced in all four dimensions of your life, your energized higher brain is now used to discover how to express what is truly in your heart and how to live your fearlessly authentic life.
Dr. Michael Cotton is hosting a presentation and live demonstration in Minneapolis to introduce Higher Brain Livingâ„¢. The presentation
will be at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 11. For more info and to register visit Seating is limited.