Not Lost


Constellations swing around
and my life, only a short song
Spins along. Soon enough
I will rotate out of this orbit
float from gravity’s hold
Take my point in the moving galaxy

Our bones hold the offerings
of our ancestors, as our hands
bear their tokens, our hearts their stories.
As we pass ourselves along
to our heirs, our people.

We are pools of gathered starlight
Owned by no one but
only by the whole.

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Lisa Taylor Lake
Lisa Taylor Lake holds a B.A. in English from the University of Minnesota. Her poetry chapbooks, Always Light to Come and We Hold Each Other, were created during collaborations between the Loft and the Minnesota Center for Book Arts. Minnehaha Creek, a prose poem chapbook, was accepted into an Edina Center for the Arts' exhibit. She has given a number of local readings in the Twin Cities.


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