Muslims and Christians celebrate common ground


Shared in common: peace, forgiveness, and love

When Muslim Sufi minister Jamal Rahman and Franciscan nun Gabriele Uhlein come together with Jean Feraca of Wisconsin Public Radio’s “Here on Earth” on August 12-14 at the Christine Center, the Center anticipates a lively, inquisitive conversation. This coming together of diverse spiritual teachers, facilitated by Feraca, will be both a celebration and a time to discover a common ground for everyone who participates in the weekend retreat.

Uhlein, a Franciscan scholar, draws her enthusiasm for the dialogue from the historic meeting of St. Francis of Assisi and the Sultan at the time of the Crusades. “Imagine the surprise of St. Francis when he discovered precious Islamic teachings so aligned with his own Christian understanding of the spiritual journey,” says Sister Gabriele. “Hearing and participating in the wisdom of the Sufis transformed his spiritual practice.”

Co-leading the weekend event is Jamal Rahman, an internationally-known spiritual leader who was originally from Bangladesh. He makes his home in Seattle, and travels frequently to the Holy Land to lead interfaith retreats with a Rabbi and Christian minister. His book, Three Amigos, shares the faith experience of these three great religious traditions. “Only that which comes from the heart can open another heart,” says Jamal Rahman.

The Christine Center offers this retreat to all who are curious about how to pray with others beyond one’s own tradition. Participants will explore the unfamiliar names of God and experience how the longing for such basic things as peace, forgiveness and love transcends our differences.

For more information, email or call 715.267.7507. Visit

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