Star Wisdom | September 2011


We’re still operating under our now-familiar backdrop of transformation and “danger opportunities,” but with Mercury back to direct motion, at least life is moving forward again.

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…You start the month with the same strong emphasis on work, health and your emotional state. The difference this month is that you’re starting to feel empowered to shift things. By mid-month you’re feeling creative and expansive and, dare I say, downright playful. Is it any surprise some cool new collaborators show up to play with you?

Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…A creative project finally comes back on line as Mercury goes direct and activates your playful-yet-focused side. It looks like you’re working hard this month but playing hard too – just the way you like it. To keep the peace on the home front, have at least one home-based project going after the 18th when warrior planet Mars moves into your 4th House of home and family.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)…Lots of good news this month. Mars finally leaves your money house on the 18th, stopping the flow of unexpected expenses and re-energizing your mind. As the month goes on first Venus, then the Sun moves into your house of creativity, romance and play, bringing opportunities for creative collaboration – and some good old-fashioned fun.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)…Use the first half of the month to align your thoughts with what you want to create. You’re thinking more clearly this month than you have in some time. With Mars in your sign through the 18th, you’ve got a tremendous amount of drive that needs to be focused outward, preferably on career-related projects.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…Money makes more sense as Mercury reenters your 2nd House in direct motion, enabling you to piece together the flashes of inspiration and partial ideas you received during the August retrograde. To top it off, Mars enters your sign on the 18th, bringing a huge amount of energy and drive you can put towards your dreams.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…September looks like the month you’ve been waiting for all year long. With your ruling planet Mercury direct in your sign, you finally get a clear picture of what the many lessons of this year were meant to teach you. You might even get some surprisingly good money news later in the month, if you’re willing to take a risk and go for what you want.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…Although the emphasis on your relationships and your family/emotional space remains intense, September moves you back into the driver’s seat of your life. Plan to make a big burst after the 14th when Venus enters your sign, bringing love, luck and opportunity. Friends, networks and social media connections are energized after the 18th.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…You’ve been in this deep space in your mind, making sense of the last phase of your life’s journey. Now it’s time to put the wisdom you’ve gleaned into action. Your willingness to take center stage this month might shock a few people but you know you have the ability to move mountains when you’re this highly motivated.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…You finally get out from under a mountain of yucky debt or relationship energy. Even if the challenging person or circumstance remains, you’ve made your peace with it and you’re determined to move forward. Good news – Mercury direct in your career house gives you the clarity about your life and position you’ve been seeking for some time now.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)…You’re ready to start a new chapter in your life and you have the cosmic wherewithal to do just that. It’s so important to consciously detach from other people’s ideas about who you’re supposed to be and march to the beat of your own inner drummer. Nothing but your Authentic Self is going to bring you the rewards you seek.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…With a host of planets activating your 9th House, you’re receiving blasts of insight and intuition this month. These new thoughts can revolutionize your mental outlook and open up new spheres of creative possibility. It’s a good time to go back to school or start an apprenticeship with someone who has mastered one of the skills you’re trying to acquire.

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…Use this month to forge powerful and mutually beneficial agreements with like-minded people. You’ve got an almost overpowering desire to push your ideas forward and create more wealth and security; the best way to do this is by partnering with trustworthy, responsible people who share your goals.

Listen to “Edge Astrology with D.K. Brainard” at 6 p.m. Central on the first Wednesday of each month, September 7, by calling 1.714.364.4750 or go to Listen to all archives at

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D.K. Brainard
D.K. Brainard, M.A., C.H., is a writer, musician, astrologer and certified hypnotherapist who specializes in helping clients identify where they are on their own Hero's Journey and take appropriate steps to reconnect with their soul/Higher Self/creative unconscious. To carry out this work, D.K. uses the tools of astrology, energy work, compassion, and hypnotic shared exploration of limiting identity states and desired goal states. For more on the eclipses and free weekly horoscopes each Monday, visit his website:


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