An interview with Carole Hyder and Cyndi Dale
The public yearns to not only find jobs that put money on the table, but also satisfy their souls. In response to that, two Twin Cities businesswomen — Cyndi Dale, president of Essential Energy, a successful corporation that offers intuitive-based consulting and healing, and corporate consulting, and Carole J. Hyder, an internationally known Feng Shui consultant and speaker — will present a program to help others cultivate a richer life.
“Your Abundance Mindset” will take place from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 29, at Normandale Community College. Admission is $99. Registration is at 952.358.8343 or
The two presenters, both best-selling authors and world-renowned teachers, will help participants uncover the blocks that keep them from accepting both worldly and spiritual blessings and help them construct a new “money blueprint,” an energetic and practical plan for creating financial flow.
The Edge asked Cyndi Dale and Carole J. Hyder to share their personal experiences and offer more insight on abundance.

How does one know if he or she is in an Abundance Mindset or not?
Carole J. Hyder: I know when someone has an Abundance Mindset by looking at the space in which they live and work. Coming from a Feng Shui perspective, I know if a person regards their possessions with respect and delight. Obviously, this has nothing to do with how much money an item costs nor does it have to do with how many items someone owns. It has to do with appreciation of their surroundings. Some of the richest people I know live in modest homes with few possessions; some of the poorest people I’ve worked with live in mansions.
Cyndi Dale: There are two main ways to know if you have adopted an Abundance Mindset or if you are mired in lack, limitation and scarcity. The first measurement is external. To some extent, we assess our prosperity by examining what or who is in our lives. Quality wins over quantity every time. Abundance is about what nourishes us. Do you have a comfortable home, one that supports your lifestyle? Are your friendships nourishing, loving, and dependable? These are the types of questions we should reflect upon.
The second criterion is internal. The Abundance Mindset begins and ends with integrity, our ability to match our values with our deeds and our hearts with our activities. We cannot be abundant if we do not know who we really are. What makes us tick, what creates internal peace, and what propels us toward joy?

What is the number one thing all of us can do today to have an Abundance Mindset?
Cyndi Dale: Begin by appreciating who you are. This is even more important than being grateful for what you have, because externals come and go. Today we might be joyously situated in our dream house and tomorrow it’s all swept away by a tornado.
To appreciate our real self, the being we know ourselves to be, we can meet every situation and person with calm and openness. Even the most challenging of circumstances can be transformed into opportunities for connection and growth.
Carole J. Hyder: Wealth comes directly from gratitude, not the other way around. In my Feng Shui world, if someone is grateful for their circumstances, whatever they may be, it will be reflected in how they live and move through their space. I will see whether gratitude is coming through anything and everything, from the color on the walls to the angle of the sofa to the amount of unwanted items that clutter up their space. Someone who’s grateful takes care of what they have.
What are the most common blocks that keep us from cultivating a richer life?
Carole J. Hyder: I have seen four blocks that keep people from embracing their abundance: fear, guilt, being a pleaser and being irresponsible. I call these the Four Faces of Money, which we will be talking about in The Abundance Mindset workshop. These challenges are usually learned — from what the family said about money, how they treated money, or from a specific experience that caused someone to look negatively on being abundant.
Cyndi Dale: The most potent blocks are held in our soul, which carries in misperceptions and fears from other lifetimes, and our family, which creates negative mindsets that affect us energetically, or practically and spiritually. We don’t want to limit our abundance. It’s just that at some point we adopted limiting beliefs in order to adapt to our external circumstances. The good news is that we can always exchange a dysfunctional set of beliefs for functional ones.
What do you do personally to stay in the flow of abundance?
Cyndi Dale: Every day I wake up in gratefulness. I ask the Divine to bless and run my day (alone, I don’t always do such a great job.) I also continually work on my limiting beliefs. For instance, I currently work with a Sufi therapist who helps me excavate my negative thought processes and open to divine flow.
Carole J. Hyder: Gratitude goes a long ways to making me feel like I may be one of the richest people on the planet. Besides starting the day with a heart full of appreciation, one of my rituals is to make the bed each morning. I love the act of straightening out the sheets, plumping the pillows, bringing order to the room. It has become a mini-meditation and I feel out-of-sorts when I didn’t get around to doing it. I particularly love the experience when I walk in the bedroom at the end of the day. I’m reminded about being grateful all over again.
Please explain the Enrichmentâ„¢ process from your perspective.
Carole J. Hyder: The Enrichment process is all about how to discover the blocks that may be preventing someone from opening up to their abundance, how to heal those blocks, and how to set up a specific action plan to move forward with a new system in place. Having money isn’t about being lucky, but instead it’s about strategizing, planning and preparing for a wealthy life. Getting their space in order to facilitate that wealth is a big part of the Enrichment process.
Cyndi Dale: This process is about how to have a life that rocks! We all want to wake up excited, eager to dance with life. We want to lie down to sleep feeling satisfied with what’s occurred and who we’ve been. To help participants get there, we discuss the elements that prevent the prosperous life and provide healing support to clear these issues and blocks. We then guide participants in accessing the spiritual powers available internally and externally to supercharge their manifestation abilities.
What is a “Money Blueprint” and what does it do for us?
Cyndi Dale: A money blueprint is a template that enables participants to transform negatives into positives and insert their spiritual purpose center in their lives. The key idea is that we are promised all the support we need to fulfill our spiritual destiny. This includes money, love, and guidance. If we make decisions from our purpose, we’ll naturally attract nourishment and abundance. The remainder of the plan includes action steps that will fulfill our destiny.
Carole J. Hyder: Participants will go home with their own specific blueprint for opening up to a new abundance mindset. This will be a literal blueprint with reminders, actions steps, and their money purpose clearly delineated so they can begin their Enrichment process to creating a richer life. Similar to a treasure map, the money blueprint can be hung or positioned prominently to remind them every day of their abundance steps.
What can participants expect at “Your Abundance Mindset” event at Normandale?
Carole J. Hyder: The Abundance Mindset event will offer opportunities for everyone to examine their blocks, experience what happens because of those blocks, how to start unraveling their effects, and (the best part) how to move forward with a new and richer life. Furthermore, there will be fun, surprises, and probably some laughing — true abundance expects nothing less!
Cyndi Dale: How about fun, healing and inspiration? The Enrichmentâ„¢ process is designed to free you from the limitations and impositions keeping you stuck in the muck, unlock your manifesting abilities, and establish the mindset necessary to continually attract the support needed to fulfill your destiny. We’ll have fun so you can move into a more fun life.
To register or for more information, call 952.358.8343 or visit