Edge Holistic Profile: Lori Bestler


Name: Lori Bestler
Title: Strategic Mind Coach and Motivational Speaker
Location: I am located in the Wellness Circle, 7094 Lake Drive, Lino Lakes MN 55014
Email: Lori@mindscapesunlimited.com
Phone: 651.260.4540

Describe what you do: I offer a dynamic formula that helps individuals — especially those with busy minds — break through barriers, remove limiting beliefs and deal with habits and behaviors that hold them back from realizing unlimited success and well-being. Frequent problems I help with are: stress and overwhelm, sleep problems, lack of focus and follow-through, procrastination, negative self-talk, low self-confidence and limiting beliefs of all kinds and habits like smoking and overeating. Clients discover that my Strategic Mind Coaching Program integrates a wide range of different philosophies and sciences with the sole aim of helping them improve their life. I help clients with personal and professional development, emotional healing, behavior change, stress reduction and much more.

How do others benefit from what you do? To understand how I help my clients, it helps to first understand who they are. This describes many of my clients: They want more out of life. They’re constantly craving new knowledge. They’re usually creative, intuitive or innovative and an idea generator; most are entrepreneurs and ambitious professionals. Some are over-achievers, which means they’re constantly busy in mind and life, trying and starting new things. People can describe them as being visionaries, leaders and top sales performers, very energetic, passionate about what they believe in, possibly a risk taker and a fast talker. As a result of my work, I have helped thousands of individuals increase business success, inner well-being and gain control of their lives. Many clients say they leave my program feeling much more clear about what they want or where they’re going, feeling more confident and more competent to realize their goals and dreams.

What motivates you to do what you do? I want to help those who are stuck where I once was. I offer a positive solution, hope, and label everyone as a miracle, a worthwhile person with a special purpose and ability. I’m not a clinical therapist or a doctor and I do not diagnosis or write prescriptions for medical illnesses. I am a Strategic Mind Coach, and my life experiences and education have affirmed one thing: Most people who struggle do so because of “how” they are thinking, their state of self-care for nurturing good health, and experiencing too much stress. As a person who once struggled tremendously, I have gained much experiential knowledge. As a young adult, I struggled with anorexia and bulimia for over seven years. At the age of 36, I became a dislocated worker in corporate America. At the age of 41, I was diagnosed with ADHD. At the age of 46, I found myself divorced, a single parent, and starting my career all over. And if that wasn’t enough, one night I had a dream and imagined I was dying of breast cancer. Two weeks after my dream, I found a lump in my breast and I was having a biopsy. I fell to my knees and wondered, “Is my body a messenger and trying to tell me something?” or “Is my stinkin’ thinkin’ causing me to become ill?” We have a choice. We can either travel in the dark, doing what we’ve always done, getting the same results. Or we can be courageous and step out of our comfort zone and into the light, taking responsibility for our life.

What is new with you in terms of expansion, publishing, events? This year I am focusing on group programs. I’ve moved into a much larger office space and I’m really excited about how attendees with learn, support and energize each other to realize their goals and dreams as a group. I am also promoting two powerful programs:

  •  A group weight loss program, offering 30 minutes of education by different presenters and a 45-minute hypnosis session, takes place from 6:30-8 p.m. Tuesday evenings at the Wellness Circle.
  • A Manifest Abundance program, which once was a six-hour program, is now a two-hour program for one-third of the cost. My goal is to help individuals be abundant in all areas: healthy in mind, body and spirit, financially successful, and having rich and rewarding relationships. The next Manifest Success program will be at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 21 (go to the website under Upcoming Events for details).

I am writing a book about how thoughts become the enemy and will teach readers how to move out of the abyss in your mind for achieving greater success and well-being.

What info we can find at your website: At www.mindscapesunlimited.com, I provide detailed information about myself, products and services and how I can help you better your life. I encourage you to join my email list and get a free “Be Energized” audio, which is great for waking up to. Put it on your iPod or cell phone. Plug your headphones in, and start your day off feeling energized and focused without effort. I encourage you to click the “Mind Power Self Help Audios” tab and learn about my MindScapes Line of self-hypnosis audios. Read articles I wrote on numerous issues in the insights and inspirations section. And discover much more.

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