Expressing gratitude
Seeking comfort
Drawn toward your encapsulating embrace
Black cloak
Black tunic
Black skin
Black night.
I lean forward and through
Into darkness
The portal beyond and to
All that is within
But hidden so carefully
In the very best spot
Where no one will look
Because no one is looking deeply enough.
No one is still enough
Silent enough
To find the real answers they are seeking.
Who am I?
What should I do here?
What is my purpose?
The answer is so simple, it’s ridiculous
Nothing. Nothing at all.
Play the game
Roll the die
A continuous wheel of make believe
Until —
You stop
Discover that the answers are buried deep inside.
I am all that there is
You are all that is not
You beckon,
“Come, get on my back
Ride this experience of nothing
So you may know what power you’ve given
To the lies you were told.
Ride this path for eternity
It is from this depth you will learn to see
On this path you will truly be free.”