Joy’s Disguises


I found joy
In the gray blanket of sky
In the cold, wet raindrops that tickled me
In the wind that blew my umbrella inside out

I found joy
At the little round table of wood
That held my plain white coffee cup
That contained the warm, brown elixir
That chased away the chill in my bones
As I gazed out the rain splattered window

I found joy
As I listened to Patsy Cline singing “I Fall to Pieces”
As we all sat at our separate tables, sipping our coffee
As I watched the rain walkers strolling outside

I found joy
In the disguises
Of blindly perceived separation from one another
Of the dreary delusions of a cold, rainy day
Of all I had previously thought of
As joyless

Fare for All pop up grocery store
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Kathy Parkin
Kathy Parkin has gone through many life changes these past few years, including the time she lived in Portland, Ore., learning to create life on her own terms. She is now back in her birthplace of Minnesota to be closer to family. She finds that life is full of many wonderful chosen adventures, and also some unexpected adventures, but it is all so good. Contact her at [email protected].


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