ThetaHealing®: An attainable Miracle for your life!

ThetaHealing® is dimensional healing of the mind, body and spirit, from the past, present and future at one time, quickly and permanently. ThetaHealing® is about connecting to Universal Divine Energy of the Creator of All That is, commanding a healing and witnessing changes and healing taking place. This is done while in the Theta brain wave state.

ThetaHealing® is used in connection with the healing of physical conditions, however it has a complete set of tools and techniques to work with all areas in your life. ThetaHealing® works with the conscious mind and unconscious mind. Most things that cause us problems are in the subconscious mind and our belief systems from the past, present or genetic DNA.

Our beliefs are held on four different levels – Core Level (this lifetime), Genetic (inherited), Other Lifetimes and Soul level. It is now generally accepted that most physical health problems are related to a belief system that the mind holds. Identifying and changing these beliefs and feelings with ThetaHealing® can remove the underlying cause of an illness or disease. Once these beliefs and emotions have been corrected with ThetaHealing®, it is possible for the illnesses and diseases to heal, in some cases instantly. By removing blocks in the unconscious mind, you can let go of beliefs and thoughts that prevent you from moving forward or living your dream life. For example, someone suffering from lower back pain often has financial worries or beliefs about being unsupported at work.

ThetaHealing® acknowledges all complementary methods of healing, including traditional medicine. With the use of ThetaHealing® all other modalities become more effective. It teaches you how to work with the creator with the purest energy without creating more contracts, vows, oaths and karma.

This system of healing is simple, and it does not demand anything from you, or that you give up any other teachings. ThetaHealing® transcends dogma and goes beyond all religions, yet is accepting of them all. Just as Christ said, “All these things you can do and more,” in ThetaHealing® you will learn that nothing is impossible if you dare to believe.

LynMarie, a certified Basic and Advanced ThetaHealing® Practitioner and Teacher, leads weekly informational meetings on ThetaHealing® on Mondays from 7-9 p.m. Register at


  1. Theta healing is a meditative, energy technique that can facilitate profound healing on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. There is increasing recognition in how changing the mind can influence the body to create optimum health and wellness.


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