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Game changers for a World in Crisis

In recent years, an explosion of new discoveries throughout the sciences has left little doubt that many long-standing views about life, our world, and our bodies have to change. The reason is simple: The ideas are wrong.
In light of the new evidence regarding the false assumptions of human evolution, the origin and role of competition in our lives and the role of war in our past, we must rethink the most basic scientific beliefs that lie at the core of the decisions we make and the way we live. This is where the new deep truths of science come in.
For the first time in human history, the future of our entire species rests upon the choices of a single generation — us — and the choices are being made within a small window of time — now.Â
The journal Scientific American released a special edition (September 2005) to inform the world of the critical situation we find ourselves in today. The title, “Crossroads for Planet Earth,” says it all. The way we solve the simultaneous crises that include:
- Our response to climate change
- The unsustainable and growing levels of extreme poverty
- The emergence of new diseases
- The growing shortages of food and fresh drinking water
- The growing chasm between extreme wealth and extreme poverty
- The unsustainable demand for energy.
There is a common thread that links the crises identified by Scientific American, and others, that face us today. They all stem from a way of thinking that has dominated much of the modern world since the beginning of the scientific era about 300 years ago.They’re based in the false scientific assumptions that suggest we’re somehow separate from the Earth, separate from one another, and that the nature that gives us life is based upon violent compeitition and survival of the strongest.
Fortunately, new discoveries have revealed that each of these assumptions is absolutely false.
Unfortunately, however, there is a reluctance to reflect such new discoveries in mainstream science, mainstream media, traditional classrooms and conventional textbooks. In other words, we’re still teaching our young people the false assumptions of an obsolete way of thinking based in struggle, competition, and war.
The question…
How can we possibly know what to choose — what policies to create, what laws to pass, or how to build sustainable economies and bridge the issues that are tearing at the fabric of our relationships and society — until we’ve answered the single question that lies at the very core of our existence. The question is simply this: Who are we?
As individuals, as families, as nations, and as a combined human civilization, our answer to this deceptively simple question creates the lens through which we see ourselves, our world, and make the choices of our lives, our future, and our survival.
Deep truths
During a conversation with Albert Einstein, Nobel Prize-winning physicist Niels Bohr once shared his insight into our deep and mysterious relationship regarding what we think of as “truth.” In clear and eloquent terms, he stated, “It is the hallmark of any deep truth that its negation is also a deep truth.” In other words, it’s what Bohr called the “negation” of old scientific assumptions (meaning discoveries that it no longer make sense in the presence of new evidence) that makes the opposite of those assumptions a deep truth.
And this is where the news of recent scientific discoveries becomes a proverbial double-edged sword.
The good news is that the new information gives us an updated and presumably more correct way of thinking about things. The downside is that entire paradigms have already been built upon the false assumptions. We may well discover that our beliefs about global warming, the role of competition in global economies, when we choose to save a life, when we choose to take a life and the reasons for war, for example, fall precisely into this category of deep truth.
As we face the greatest number and magnitude of crises in recorded history, the facts revealed by five areas of discovery radically change the way we’ve been led to think about our world and ourselves in the past. They include:
- Deep Truth 1: The best science of our day reveals that nature is based upon a model of cooperation and mutual aid, and not “survival of the strongest” as traditionally accepted. This discovery is vital as we solve the crises of global economies, how we adapt to climate change, corporate re-structuring and the threat of war that looms in the Middle East and beyond — all crises that reflect the “survival of the strongest” thinking of the past.
- Deep Truth 2: Scientific discoveries now push the date of advanced civilization from the commonly accepted 5,000 years before present, back near the end of the last Ice Age, at 11,500 years ago. This implies that we can learn from the choices that our ancestors made as they lived through changes in their day that coincide with the cycles of change that we’re now living in today.
- Deep Truth 3: The best science of today confirms that consciousness is part of, rather than separate from, our physical world. The controversy now is less about the existence of the connection between us and our world, and more about the potential that such a connection plays in our lives.
- Deep Truth 4: Modern physics has confirmed that the space between physical things is not empty, as commonly accepted in the past, but filled with forms of energy that we are only now learning to detect. The implication is that all things are connected, and that what we do in one place and time influences what happens in other places and times.
- Deep Truth 5: Advances in new technologies, including DNA research, show that Darwin’s idea of evolution does not explain human origins. While evolution is a fact in some life forms, and can be seen in the geological record, it does not account for the appearance of modern humans approximately 200,000 years ago, the fact that we have remained essentially unchanged since that time, and the genetic fusion that makes us who and what we are. The implication is that we are more than an anomaly of biology.
The key to addressing the crises that now threaten our future lies in building partnerships based upon mutual aid and cooperation to adapt to the changes, rather than in pointing fingers and assigning blame, which makes such vital alliances difficult. Knowing who we are and understanding our relationship to one another, as well as to the world beyond, gives us the evolutionary edge to tip the scales of life and balance in our favor. And it all begins with our awareness of the deepest truths of our existence, and how we rely on those truths each day for every choice in our lives.
“For the first time in human history, the future of our entire species rests upon the choices of a single generation — us” Gregg Braden Quote!
WHOA…WHOA Gregg, human’s have never had that much control. It is kind of like a government car that has a speed limiter on it and cannot go faster than lets say….60 mph. So it is with human’s….if they were given the ability to go lets say…..150 mph in any direction….this Earth would have already been destroyed.
There are invisible energies that exist that will never give human’s the ability to have total control. This is also true of the heaven’s and the unseen realms! Kind of like limit switches on computerized manufacturing equipment. If the machine attempts to go outside of the identified parameters it shuts down.
Think of it like a controlled experiment for the evolution of the Conscious Individual Self, which exists within the Comprehensive Consciously Aware I AM Expansive and ALL Inclusive SELF.
Gregg you are thinking and viewing from the Conscious Individual Self you know your Self to Be. To really understand what is taking place, you would have to be able to view from outside ALL THAT IS, instead of within ALL THAT IS! Your perspective is to small picture to be truly accurate! But much of what you share are in the details of what is taking place. As the details change, so does understanding. But the understanding has always been there to tap into…..most generally do not understand how to open the door to compete and total comprehensive awareness.
Keep going though, there are many who are very excited with you for what is being discovered…..but has always been there!
Ricki Lee Schuster