Edge Life Holistic Expo Preview Part 1


Edge Life Holistic Expo returns on November 3-4 at Earle Brown Heritage Center, 6155 Earle Brown Drive, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430. This month’s preview gives you complete details about the expo, as well as a brief interview with three of the keynote speakers:

ABOUT: Edge Life Holistic Expo 2012

The annual Edge Life Holistic Expo, presented by Edge Life Expos & Events, will return to the Twin Cities November 3-4, 2012, at a completely new venue with one of the best line-up of speakers in years. Noted scientist and metaphysician Gregg Braden will speak on 2012 during Sunday’s talk, “Deep Truth: Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny & Fate,” and at his post-expo, full-day workshop on November 5, on “Living on the Edge: Thriving in the World’s Perfect Storm.”

Edge Life Holistic Expo will take place at the Earle Brown Heritage Center, which features acres of free parking for attendees. Earle Brown Heritage Center is located at 6155 Earle Brown Drive, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430. Times are from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, November 3, and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, November 4. Admission is $7 per individual, or $5 each for groups of two or more, purchased in advance at Edgelife.net.

Other Edge Life Expo speakers in November include:

  • Noted Twin Cities intuitives Echo Bodine and Kathryn Harwig appearing together on the same stage for the first time in their careers
  • Internationally known intuitive, medium and spiritual teacher Sunny Dawn Johnston, who will speak on her book, Invoking the Archangels
  • Dr. John DeSalvo, director of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association and one of the scientists who studied the Shroud of Turin, speaking on Power Crystals
  • Vincent Genna, a longtime entertainer turned spiritual teacher, who will present his acclaimed talk and post-expo workshop, “God, It’s Not Working”â„¢ for the first time in the Twin Cities

All speaker tickets, admission tickets and Gold Cards (access to all events except Gregg Braden on Nov. 4-5) are available now at Edgelife.net for discounts off the box office price. Admission tickets give you access to more than 85 booths of spectacular variety in Exhibition Hall, as well as daily, free workshops on mind, body and spirit. Speaker tickets give you access to a particular speaker’s talk, plus admission to Exhibition Hall and free workshops.

Edge Life Holistic Expo is an inspired event focused on sharing the finest holistic approaches available in the Upper Midwest. This 2-day event is an emporium of gifts, products and information to support holistic life — including health, ecology, community and a balance of mind, body and spirit. It features: More than 85 exhibitors including health and wellness providers, 6 Keynote speakers, 45 Free Workshops, at least 12 intuitive consultants, specialty gift products, art, spirituality resources, and more, including free parking.

Exhibition booths are still available. Reserve yours now by calling Dee at 715.259.3047 or emailing [email protected], or Gary at toll-free 1.888.776.7616 or [email protected].

For complete details on all speakers and on exhibiting at Edge Life Edge Life Expo, visit Edgelife.net or call 763.427.7979 or toll-free 1.888.776.7616.
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INTERVIEW: Dr. John DeSalvo

Dr. John DeSalvo presents “Power Crystals”
11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Sunday, November 4
Tickets: $20 advance online, $25 at the door

What he will be presenting: John DeSalvo, Ph.D., will present a talk on quartz crystals and their mystical counterpart, crystal skulls. Exploring the use of crystals from Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt to present-day technology, including their use in ritual and ceremonial magic and their importance in ancient religious literature, he examines the many physical and chemical properties of quartz crystals and explains how their crystalline lattice structure is the key to their amazing abilities, both scientific and paranormal. His latest book, Power Crystals: Spiritual & Magical Practices, Crystal Skulls & Alien Technology, highlights the use of quartz crystals and crystal skulls for psychic and spiritual purposes.

Who he is: Dr. DeSalvo is known for his in-depth scientific work on the Shroud of Turin and the Great Pyramid of Giza. He is director of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association (GizaPyramid.com) and Executive Vice-President of ASSIST (Association of Scientists and Scholars International for the Shroud of Turin), the largest and oldest research association in the world currently studying the Shroud of Turin. His Shroud research involved the image formation process of the man on the Shroud and studies using three-dimensional reconstruction, spectroscopic and ultraviolet analysis. Last year he was featured in the History Channel special “Doomsday Hieroglyphics,” which was part of the Nostradamus Effect series. He will be featured this year in the H2 series of Ancient Aliens. Dr. DeSalvo is the author of Decoding the Pyramids, Dead Sea Scrolls, The Seeress of Prevorst, The Lost Art of Enochian Magic and Decoding the Enochian Secrets.

For more information: www.drJohnRadio.com

What overall message do you wish to share with those who attend your event at Minneapolis Holistic Expo?
Dr. John DeSalvo: My talk is going to be on quartz crystals, and the message I am conveying, in my book and in my upcoming talk at the expo, is that you need to study quartz from the point of view of a scientist and from the point of view that there is a metaphysical or higher dimensional aspect to quartz crystals. You can’t understand them without knowing one or the other. It’s like trying to understand a human without understanding his physical, mental and spiritual aspects. Once we understand the strange physical properties that only quartz crystals have — the crystallography structure, the piezo-electric effect — it opens up the question, “Why is quartz so important?” At all of my talks, I always leave listeners with practical exercises to apply what I have learned in their lives.

How would you describe your mission or soul’s journey in this lifetime?
DeSalvo: I think it’s the same as everyone else’s: to discover God within us and eventually go back to God. Some people call that nirvana, or cosmic consciousness, or being one with God. Since I was a little boy, I felt that was my mission, based on some mystical experience I’d had as a child. Even when I went to college majoring in physics and graduate school majoring in biophysics, I’ve always looked at the paranormal side. Obviously, I had to keep my mouth shut in many cases, because I didn’t want to get thrown out of academia. The bottom line is that my journey in life is to find God. It always was and it still is. That’s why I write and give talks. I think the greatest gift you can give anyone is to help them find God. I just offer pointers that have helped me. All I can do is put the information out, try to make it understandable, and hopefully the listener will take some of that and apply it themselves.

What is the most recent thing you have learned that has transformed your life?
DeSalvo: As a scientist, I give talks on debunking 2012 in terms of it being an omen for pending catastrophe. I show people that the Mayans never intended for their calendar to end at 2012. I show that there’s not going to be a major planetary alignment (only three planets will be aligned) or a galactic alignment within a year from now or stretching out for hundreds of years. And to pinpoint a day for global disasters is totally ridiculous. I’ve really been down on people commercializing this based on false science. Rather, what I think is going on is a spiritual quickening, a spiritual awakening — and it’s not limited to 2012. So all of this has transformed my life during the past two years. I realized that it’s not the science we need to focus on, but the spiritual transformation that is happening and will be going on for years and years.

Who or what has most inspired you in your life, and why?
DeSalvo: I could probably go back and name a whole bunch of professors, but it really was my father. My father also was John DeSalvo, and he was of Italian descent, had very little education but was what we call “a self-made man.” He started with nothing and built up a business. But his success wasn’t so much material. He was always an open, questioning person. He let me explore spirituality and gave me counsel. He was my best friend. When I began getting into alternative areas of research, when I began studying the Shroud of Turin, he was so proud of that and was my biggest supporter. Everybody needs somebody who supports them in their endeavors — especially when it’s non-traditional and you’re bucking the system. My father supported me from the time I was born until he passed away. He was my greatest inspiration.
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INTERVIEW: Sunny Dawn Johnston

Sunny Dawn Johnston presents “Invoking the Archangels”
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, November 3
Tickets: $25 advance online, $29 at the door

What she will be presenting: Sunny Dawn Johnston will share a process she has created that uses the energy of the seven Archangels to heal the heart from the inside out. This process can be used for relationships, addictions, self-esteem issues, disease, etc. She will teach participants how to invoke the power of the Archangels to help transform the heart from a state of fear to a realization of the love that always exists within. Through a series of meditations, visualizations, music with soul musician Kris Voelker and hands-on exercises, those who attend will learn how to become aware of this unconditional loving energy that is surrounding and supporting them in all ways.

Who she is: Sunny Dawn Johnston has helped thousands of people across the country find their personal spiritual connection, learn to listen within to their own inner truth and recognize and own their natural spiritual gifts. Sunny has become widely known and respected as an International Intuitive, Medium and Spiritual Teacher. As a national speaker, Sunny’s dynamic methods effectively reach out to help people to help themselves. Sunny will help you become aware of the power you have to change your life. Sunny has been featured on many local and national television and radio shows including “Coast to Coast with George Noory” and “Good Morning Arizona.” Sunny has created ten Guided Meditation CDs to offer support and guidance to people on a regular basis.

For more information: www.sunnydawnjohnston.com

What overall message do you wish to share with those who attend your event at Minneapolis Holistic Expo?
Sunny Dawn Johnston: The message I wish to share is that you can, in any given moment, connect with the energy of the Angels. We have this amazing angelic team all around us who are ready and willing to support and guide us, and all we need to do is ask. My intention is to help participants connect with the energy of absolute unconditional love by providing tools and experiences  to see, hear, feel and know the energy of the Archangels.

How would you describe your mission or soul’s journey in this lifetime?
Johnston: I believe that my mission is to be a student of love. I am here for personal growth and expansion and as I listen to my own guidance, walk my talk, and stay in a place of my love, my vibration raises. As my vibration raises, oftentimes others are attracted to that energy and I serve as a teacher. I live my life with the intention of doing my best in any given moment and loving myself unconditionally. My mission is to share the gift of unconditional love.

What is the most recent thing you have learned that has transformed your life?
Johnston: In January a very close friend of mine committed suicide. This was a very difficult time for myself and my family. Through the pain, I realized that I was able to see the VALUE of the experience right in the middle of the shock and grief. One of my greatest gifts has been the ability to “see the value” in experiences while “living” them and not years later. It is comforting to feel the energy of Archangel Uriel supporting me in seeing the bigger picture and the greater vision even during the most difficult times.

Who or what has most inspired you most in your life, and why?
Johnston: I am inspired by random acts of kindness. It inspires me to see someone reach out and support another, just because. What I really love is when random acts of kindness are given anonymously. The act is truly given from a place of kindness and generosity. I try to do a random act of kindness each day, oftentimes anonymously…and I always feel an expansion in my heart when I listen to that guidance.
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INTERVIEW: Vincent Genna

Vincent Genna presents the lecture & workshop: “God, It’s Not Working!”â„¢
Lecture: 3:30-5 p.m. Saturday, November 3
Post-Expo Workshop: 6-9 p.m. Monday, November 5,
Lecture tickets: $20 advance online, $25 at the door | Workshop tickets: $29 advance online, $35 at the door | Lecture & Workshop tickets: $44 advance online, $60 at the door

What he will be presenting: Vincent Genna will present a Saturday talk and his acclaimed three-hour workshop known as “God, it’s not working!”â„¢ Many people have read incredible self-help books by some of the greatest spiritual authors, studied and applied ancient Universal laws and principles, and attended numerous master classes, retreats and conferences, and yet, they are left saying over and over, “God, it’s not working!” Why? Genna will explain that something deep within blocks the most important process that makes everything we attempt become a reality. He describes how two newly discovered sections of your mind — the AMM and EMM — get in the way of the sacred gifts we all have, and how to disempower these minds and reconnect to Source and your ability to create the life and fulfill the dreams you want!

Who he is: Vincent Genna’s creative gifts led him to pursue an early career as a professional entertainer, appearing in major motion pictures such as Grease. Vincent then began inspiring others to pursue their passions and dreams. At 28, he experienced a spontaneous spiritual awakening after a series of supernatural events that redirected his entire life and purpose. He developed extraordinary paranormal and psychic abilities that he used to help people explore their consciousness and experience deep personal spiritual growth. Vincent studied with well-known spiritual masters and enlightened leaders, and he returned to school to obtain a degree in Psychology and a Masters in Social Work from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In addition to spiritual counseling, Vincent now offers private psychotherapy to children, teens and adults. Driven to gain a more complete understanding of the full human experience, he became a Hospice Social Worker and helped more than 500 patients peacefully transition through their dying process. He is writing the forthcoming book, God, it’s not Working!

For more information: www.vincentgenna.com

What overall message do you wish to share with those who attend your event at Minneapolis Holistic Expo?
Vincent Genna: People who actively create the lives they want all share one common ability that makes everything work for them. Those of us who can’t make it work simply have lost track of that ability. Many of us are not as happy or healthy as we would like to be. We’re not fulfilled by what we’re doing or from the relationships we’re in. Some of us give up on our dreams and settle for what we have. We’ve tried all different self-help and spiritual books and principles to make things better, but how can we get any of that to work for us if we’re missing the key component? It’s like trying to bake a cake using wonderful ingredients, but without heat! I want attendees to walk away with a complete understanding that they already have everything they need to make everything they attempt work, and that there is a newly isolated part of the mind that has been blocking all their efforts to use their divinely endowed gifts. When they leave this event, they will have the key, miracle answer that will allow them to fulfill their dreams and create the lives they want!

How would you describe your mission or soul’s journey in this lifetime?
Genna: Simply stated, I know I am here to help people see their true magnificence and abilities, and to inspire them to unconditionally believe in and love themselves so they can use their gifts to fulfill their dreams and create the lives they want.

What is the most recent thing you have learned that has transformed your life?
Genna: My experience and extensive research as a professional entertainer, metaphysician, psychotherapist, and spiritual counselor has afforded me the opportunity of discovering new parts of the human mind that impede the most important process that powers and empowers all we do. These parts create false beliefs that are non-sustaining and powerless. In short, we don’t believe what we think we believe. By discovering these obtrusive parts of the mind, disempowering them, and reconnecting with my true abilities, I have been able to attract and create all that I want. My even being invited to speak at this expo is part of what I created. My life was transformed 29 years ago, when I experienced my spontaneous awakening. However, it was not until I discovered this miracle understanding that I was able to cause the fruition of all the understanding and gifts that I had awakened within.

Who or what has most inspired you in your life, and why?
Genna: Having been tormented and abused physically and sexually throughout my youth and being involved in musical theatre, the character Don Miguel de Cervantes from The Man of La Mancha and his song, “The Impossible Dream,” not only inspired me, but kept me alive. Cervantes believed as long as he strove with love and courage to be the best he could and constantly pursued his dreams no matter how impossible, he could die knowing he lived a fearless and worthy life that would be a light for the world. This pursuit always impassioned me. Then people like Jesus, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, Jr., in reality personified that pursuit and validated its possibility for me. My greatest need is to achieve my dreams and help all my brothers and sisters here achieve theirs, as well!
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