A Brand New Day


Featured Topic: Techniques to Relieve Stress

sunrise_blueIt’s a brand new day! Not because we made it past December 21, 2012. Not due to anything going on in the outer. It’s a brand new day because we know that Truth from the inside out. This is a principle I’ve known all my life. It’s a Truth that is becoming more and more experientially embodied for me each and every day, because it’s a Truth I live each and every moment. It’s fun and it’s amazing and it’s empowering!
This Truth works the same way for everyone, all the time, everywhere. It’s an immutable law. When I see and hear the tragedies and atrocities happening everywhere, I often wonder if that will ever stop. My answer is yes and no. Yes, it stops the very moment we change how we are doing things. No, it won’t stop in a physical world, because we seem to need contrast to see where we are. I still can’t help but wonder and hope that we can bring all others to peace as we live in and from peace ourselves.
I truly expect 2013 to be an awesomely fabulous year for me. I’m doing what I love to do. My first self-published book, Quantum Prayer: It’s Already Answered! Quantum Reality: It Already Exists, that was delivered to my doorstep in 2010 has just been recently profiled in another local and regional magazine. I keep meeting new people who are doing awesomely fabulous work. The hits on my website are exploding through the rafters.
I hold an attitude of gratitude in every moment possible. When I slip out of that attitude, and I certainly do slip out of that attitude, I come back to it as soon as possible and start naming and claiming all the things I am grateful for — and I claim that I am Gratitude Itself in expression. We all are, and the more we acknowledge and claim this Truth, the more real and common and accessible It becomes to us.

This is a powerful Truth. Einstein was quoted as saying, “We can only see what we expect to see.” I know this Truth for certain. When I’m focusing on and naming events as problems, that’s all I see. I’m angry, anxious and I feel powerless. The very moment I change my focus to Possibility and Opportunity, I’m smiling in the face of so-called problems and events, knowing I am the Solution. I am Spirit Incarnate. We all are.

That is the Truth that holds my life together as the Unitive Principle. I know that I am exponentially loved by a beneficent Universe that many call God. I know that all things are meant to bless me. I go forward in peace and faith and confidence, knowing that who I am and what I think, say, do and feel matters. We live in a fascinating Universe that is both order and grace. There are things we understand and things we don’t understand in the moment. I call it all good anyway, because I believe in beneficence. I don’t believe we’re here to be hurt or punished. I believe we’re here to learn the Truth that all the avatars know and live.

We are Love incarnate, and that is our very purpose. We are here to live from that Truth. I am here to live that Truth and to share It with everyone everywhere the very best I can. I look forward to sharing 2013 with you in Love, Peace, Faith and Confidence! Namasté!

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Cathy Combs
Cathy Combs is a freelance writer and workshop architect specializing in personal empowerment and spiritual community leadership development. She lives in Kansas City, MO.



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