Animals and Intuitive Insight



The topic this month is timely for me as I just finished teaching a beginning animal communication class. What better way to receive intuitive insight than from our animal friends? Many people will ask if this is even possible, but if you’ve ever experienced an animal communication session, you know that it is indeed, and that many animals are highly evolved beings who have wonderful insights to share.

Intuitive communication is often referred to as telepathy, which is what animals use to converse with each other. Telepathy is loosely defined as “distant perception or feeling,” and the word “supposed” often accompanies the definition in mainstream publications. For example, in a Wikipedia entry, telepathy is defined as “the supposed transmission of information from one person to another without using any of our known sensory channels or physical interaction.” Of course, they don’t even consider telepathy with animals in the definition.

However, some scientists are studying telepathy and proving its existence in controlled experiments. Rupert Sheldrake is a well-known proponent of the existence of telepathy, especially regarding animals. He is one of the world’s most innovative biologists and writers and is best known for his theory of morphic fields and morphic resonance. His book, Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home, is a fascinating compilation of this research and its implications.

Personally, I don’t need any scientific controlled studies to confirm my belief in telepathic or intuitive communication with animals. After doing this work professionally by phone for more than ten years, my practice is mostly referral based, which tells me that I am, indeed, conversing with animals over a distance and getting accurate, helpful information for my clients.

My experiences with teaching animal communication classes also are anecdotal proof. After a morning of exercises to help my students discover their own intuitive or telepathic skills, by afternoon many of them are getting detailed information from the animals of their practice partners. In other words, people who don’t necessarily consider themselves to be skilled intuitives can look at a photo of an unknown animal, connect with that animal and get accurate answers to practice questions using telepathy to speak with that animal who is at home!

Circling back to our theme of intuitive insight and how best to receive it, one of the main barriers is simply the lack of belief that it is even possible. Of course, telepathy between people has not yet been widely explored, even though we are “hardwired” for it. Speaking telepathically with animals is much easier, because animals are naturally skilled in this area. Experiencing is believing, and many a skeptical spouse has been converted, not because I have convinced them, but because they have seen behavior and attitude changes in their animals that can only be a result of our communication session.

Another barrier to intuitive communication with animals is people’s inability to quiet the mind chatter that occupies many of our waking moments. They are unable to turn it off to become open to receiving what an animal is trying to convey. In our busy lives, we are often too distracted to take a moment, get quiet and listen to what an animal might have to tell us. Spending some time every day in silence helps us become quiet enough to receive messages in different ways.

Certain beliefs may also play a part in stifling any natural telepathic skills one may have. Meditation, abstaining from caffeine and sugar and leading a clean and pure life may be healthy and admirable traits, but they are not criteria for success in intuitive communication. The more beliefs we have about what has to happen to be successful with telepathy, the more barriers we inadvertently put up against it. Trying too hard can create unconscious blocks that make a simple and natural process much more difficult.

Studying animal communication is a great way to hone intuitive skills for that purpose. It can guide us in day-to-day living. As we learn to open up and pay more attention to the intuitive “hits” we receive throughout the day, we also are opening up to hearing more of what our beloved animal companions are trying to convey. Hearing their voices deepens our relationship and helps us understand better the wonderful insights they have to share.

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Lena Swanson
Lena Swanson is a professional animal communicator, psychic, shamanic healer, past life regression facilitator and Reiki master. She is known for her accuracy and wonderful rapport with both people and animals. Lena does phone consultations, teaches a variety of animal communication and shamanic journeying classes and is also available as a speaker for special events. She has spoken often at Edge Life Holistic Expos.


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