My greatest tip for receiving intuitive insights can be done every day. Let us synchronize our minds and bodies through intention, prayer and meditation to Source.
I find that practicing twice a day — upon waking and before sleeping — is easiest. It calms me for sleep and sets up my day to view the bigger picture that is so valuable to intuitive insight.
Drifting away from this practice, I noticed that exciting synchronicities had abandoned me. Insights became dull and lacked vision. I found myself sucked into a vortex of time speeding up, and I was racing to accomplish things that I thought would feed my self-worth.
Remembering how sweet life was with intuitive insight, once again I returned to the memories and the desire of the sweet gifts that were so near and dear to my heart with this one small step: Intuitive insight, manifesting, feeling my spiritual vibration, and knowing my true spiritual purpose.