Did you know you’re a catalyst for igniting your child’s Divine potential? The beliefs you carry play important roles in establishing the energetic dynamic you experience with your child.
Learning to set positive intentions supports a loving environment for your child to flourish within. This is the foundation for nurturing their spiritual gifts.
Your supportive thoughts are the sunshine to their inner garden. Your child wants to thrive and reach their full potential. Like a flower blooming into full sun.
Tending to your mindset supports a heart full of unconditional love and compassion. So you’re free to express your true Divine Mother nature into your child’s life. This is where magic manifests, creating a healthy connection that gracefully supports your child’s spiritual path.
Here are 4 important keys to ignite your child’s Divine potential:
1. Try On Your Divine Mother Mindset — Are you willing to believe that you’re already everything and exactly who you need to be for yourself and your child? When you truly start to believe you were perfectly chosen to guide your child, your self-doubt melts away and you can begin to feel more confident.
You and your child agreed long ago to show up together in this lifetime. They already trust you and have faith in your abilities. Let this wisdom settle into your heart, bringing you and your child peace and comfort.
2. Create a Conscious Connection — How do you want to connect with your child? Maybe it’s as simple as “I am allowing Love to guide the way for myself and [your child’s name]” or “I am always believing in [your child’s name] gifts and abilities.” Becoming consciously aware of how you intend to interact with your child empowers you to create an easy and joyful relationship.
Spend a few moments every day saying your intentions out loud.
Try writing and placing them where they are easily seen by you. This helps anchor their healing power into your everyday life.
3. Intend with Love — There’s a difference between thoughts and intentions. Thoughts begin in your mind and intentions are planted in your heart. When you create a new belief you would like to manifest for you and your child, imagine it planting itself like a seed into the most sacred spaces of your heart.
Remember to be patient and have faith even when you can’t see results yet!
Using the phrase “I am…” is a powerful way to begin stating your intentions. This places the power of Love abundantly within your heart’s desires so you open the door to ALL magical possibilities for yourself and your child.
4. Allow Inspired Action — Once you are clear on your intentions, be open to taking steps that support your vision and be willing to receive spiritual support to ease into your new mindset. Whatever you feel inspired to do, just be willing to take that first step and the rest will keep presenting itself in Divine right timing.
When you align to your divine mother mindset and intend with love, you naturally become the catalyst that ignites your child’s divine potential.
Recognizing how you and your child’s potential are intimately connected empowers you to live from your highest vision of Motherhood. When you live from this place of integrity, you can trust that you always know the way.