Two more eclipses and the latest installment of Uranus square Pluto challenge us to ground our soulful desires into the reality of a rapidly changing world.
Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…The May 9 eclipse pushes you to define what you value most in life. We tend to think of wealth in terms of money and what it can buy, but I would argue that true wealth consists of the time and freedom to do what you want — and the wisdom to know what would bring you joy. Let this be the prayer of your soul.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…How do you be fully you, and yet enjoy the benefits of rich partnership? You could be tempted to frame this as a battle of either/or, but see if you can shift to a more creative perspective. Yes, your relationship needs to make room for you to do what you love. But the more you honor your talent by actively engaging in it, the more space you open in your relationships.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)…Consciously take it easy in the first half of the month. Clear away the old, rest up, and let life flow at its own weird pace. Once Mercury moves into your sign on the 15th, you’re back in the driver’s seat and accelerating fast. A big relationship development seems imminent and everybody seems to want what you have to offer.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)…When you’ve nurtured a dream for so long, it’s easy to get stuck in believing you need it to come true in order for you to be happy, successful, and fulfilled. May’s energy offers you the opportunity to see your life’s journey in a new light. What might happen if you actually owned just how much you’ve already accomplished — and then gave yourself permission to dream a new dream based on who you are now?
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…It’s time to get serious about doing what you came here to do. The solar eclipse in your career house on May 9 pushes you to step into your life’s work at a new level of intentionality and purpose. If you experience resistance, look at your family of origin patterns. Have you unconsciously adopted a parent’s failures or negative beliefs as your own?
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…A major belief about your life and what’s possible in it gets challenged at the May 9 eclipse. Ask what you would do differently if you really believed in yourself, because a big opportunity is trying to pop into your life this month. As Wayne Dyer once said, “You’ll see it when you believe it” — not the other way around.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…Psychologist Alice Miller said the tragedy of life is that we can never go back and fix what was broken in childhood. But most of us keep trying to do just that, hoping the next relationship will be the one that finally heals us. Flip the script this month and ask what you would do — and who you would do it with — if you really believed you already had everything you needed within you.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…This month marks a turning point in a key relationship. The May 9 eclipse gives you a very clear picture of what you do not want anymore and clears the decks for something newer and better. But remember that your most important relationship is the one you have with yourself. Step up and take responsibility for becoming the person you want to be.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…You seem to be struggling a bit to start the month, but once you make it through the May 9 eclipse, life starts looking pretty delicious. You’ve got tremendous relationship mojo and the lunar eclipse in your sign on the 25th brings a nice revelation about just how far you’ve come on your evolutionary journey.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)…Life just keeps insisting that you rid yourself of the unhealthy emotional patterns and irrational fears you inherited from your family of origin. You could really morph into a creative dynamo this month if you’re willing to dig up and examine the roots of your own particular dysfunction.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…A revelation about a parent or about the truth of what you experienced in childhood could shake you to the core, but what emerges from this is a new sense of security and even luxury. If you act on this opportunity to ground yourself in the reality of the physical world you will see your thoughts become truly productive.
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…If thoughts become things, then you obviously want to have the best thoughts possible. Yes, your dream world is much lighter and sweeter than the gravity-laden consensus reality. But what if you were able to identify and challenge an old belief that says gravity is painful and materiality equals restriction? Dare to embrace the beauty of the everyday — and watch your dreams become reality.
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