LENA SWANSON, a shamanic healer and animal communicator, will explain shamanism and share more about her shamanic healing practice — from 7-10 p.m. Friday, June 21, in St. Paul as the debut speaker in The Edge’s new Speakers Series.
Shamanism is an often misunderstood ancient spiritual practice that provides profound healing and harmony on a soul level. Experience a guided shamanic journey led by Lena, which is similar to a guided meditation. No journeying experience is necessary! At the end of the evening there will be a fire ceremony in which we will burn a symbol of something we’d like to release. If you’re curious about shamanic practice this is a great place to begin. If you’re already a seasoned journeyer you will love to be in circle again.
Please RSVP at [email protected] for the location. This event is free and open to the public. For info: visit www.edgemagazine.net/networking/