ACUPUNCTURE IS ALL about getting the qi or life force energy to flow smoothly through the meridians and organs. Inserting acupuncture needles can be very effective at regaining this flow, but to make sure the flow is sustained we must work at the root causes of the qi blockages.
Sometimes someone’s energy is off due to a wrong diet, so I work to discover if food allergies or sensitivities are blocking the system and determine the right diet for the individual. If organisms such as yeast, viruses, bacteria and parasites are present, these should be removed or else progress will be temporary.
Emotions and painful memories, which can get stuck in the unconscious, affect the meridians and organs and should be dealt with. Sometimes homeopathy and flower essences can be more powerful than just acupuncture and herbs alone. There are cases in which people need a therapist to speak with when emotions come up. I do find that how Chinese medicine corresponds to organs and emotions is really accurate. Heart is sadness, lungs are grief, spleen is over-thinking and worry, kidney is fear and liver is anger.
Finding a toxic focus can be important, otherwise you are just treating symptoms. Sometimes mercury dental fillings are a powerful toxin that must be removed from the teeth; occasionally an infected root canal can be the problem. Other toxins I find in people are pesticides, artificial sweeteners, and poisons in tap water like fluoride. Lately I’m finding that many people are sensitive to electromagnetic fields, wifi and cell phones, which can disrupt the meridians. These are disturbances that an ancient science like Chinese medicine would not have known about.
When the meridians need to be balanced, there are many ways to stimulate the points besides needles. Some of the methods I employ are lasers, microcurrents, electric stimulation, gem stones, tuning forks, acupressure, heating with moxabustion, infrared heat, magnets, essential oils, gold needles and emitting qi from the fingers into the points. I find that children have such sensitive and responsive systems that I practically never need to use acupuncture needles.
Exercise is very important for moving the qi and blood. It is best to have a balance of Western aerobic training and weights with Eastern exercise of yoga, tai chi and qi gong, along with breathing exercises.
Although every case is not quite as instantaneous and dramatic, here is what one of my patients had to say of her experience: “Acupuncture saved me from knee replacement! It has been three years and my knee is flexible and strong. Warren is a gifted healer. Over the ten years I have been seeing him, this is just one of the major differences he has affected in my health.”