Choose a Healing Practitioner using Your Inner Wisdom


wellness-circleTHE ABUNDANCE AND variety of alternative healing modalities and practitioners offer a sometimes mind-boggling smorgasbord of options. Reiki, TuiNa, Brain Gym, acupuncture and Intuitive Massage might all sound interesting, but what do you start with? Rather than getting bogged down by too many choices, ask your Internal Guidance System — your inner wisdom — to guide you toward the practitioner best suited to you at this time.

Human consciousness is gradually shifting away from relying on external authority and toward our own internal spiritual authority, which I call your internal guidance system, or inner wisdom. As we set our internal compass to our soul’s higher purpose, we can hear, feel and experience our innate inner wisdom more clearly. Align with your soul and your higher purpose by setting your intention to do so. Then, periodically check your course with your intention to stay on track with your soul.

Choosing a healer
When you are looking for a healing center and a healing practitioner to help you stay aligned and on track, check in with your Internal Guidance System for directions:

  • Start by stopping. Pause. Take a couple belly breaths. Imagine a space behind your heart and in front of your spine where your soul connects to your small self. Where you feel connected to your soul in your body might be somewhere different for you. Listen and trust your own guidance. The space behind your heart might be a good place to start.
  • Breathe into that space. Ask that the wise part of yourself inform you of the next right step. Or ask which healer has something to offer you. You may or may not have clarity right away. Pay attention to your urges and leanings. Look at a practitioner listing. What name or modality catches your attention?
  • • Engage your left brain. Do some research. What is TuiNa, anyway? What is taught in this Intuitive Development class? Do I know someone who has experienced this practitioner’s work before?
  • Let go and trust. If you get an intuitive hit, try something new even if it doesn’t make sense to your mind. I registered late for a conference and did not get my first, second or third choices of workshops. Instead I ended up in my last possible choice — a creative movement class. What I learned in that class became a turning point in my life. Out of my surrendering to the higher flow, I developed my own style of creative movement — Body Soul Movement — which I now offer as part of my Intuitive Development class series.
  • Evaluate. After your healing sessions, notice how you feel. Do you feel more connected to your own wisdom, less stressed and better able to cope? Does it feel like the right path or is it time to try something else? Your internal guidance system will guide you to your next right expert if you ask, listen and take action.

The Wellness Circle
At the Wellness Circle, where I offer Intuitive Massage and Intuitive Development Classes, we offer a wide variety of healing services. The Wellness Circle in Lino Lakes is a collaborative of highly skilled practitioners offering alternative healthcare and healing modalities. Services include: acupuncture, art classes, Brain Gym, Chinese herbs, chiropractic, Cranial Sacral, energy work, hypnotherapy, intuitive development classes, intuitive reading, Intuitive Massage, Reiki, pilates, reflexology, relaxation massage, nutritional muscle testing, supplements, tarot, Thai massage, TuiNa, yoga.

The Wellness Circle is located at 7094 Lake Dr. in Lino Lakes, between Highway 35W and Rice St./Hodgson Blvd. For more information, visit the center for open houses from 5-7 p.m. every Wednesday in August. Call 612.871.5622 or visit

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Leah Skurdal
Leah Skurdal has been on a journey of inner healing and spiritual transformation for over 30 years. The awarenesses she has received along the way are divine gifts. Leah developed her intuitive abilities through training in various healing modalities, meditation and prayer. In her business, Mastery in the Art of Living, Leah specializes in helping people strengthen body, mind & spirit to live more purposeful, healthier lives. Visit her blog site at


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