At the center of our soul is the compassion, the fire and the clarity that brings forth the wholeness we are. From that consciousness, there is such peace, such love and such oneness that there can be no fear, no violence, no disconnect.
That is my purpose in all I do for myself and for everyone. I know with all my heart that we live in an exponentially benevolent Universe that wishes with all Its heart to give us everything we need. Most of all, the Universe’s desire is to give us the realization that our dream is already within us whole and complete — and by focusing on it we bring it forth into being.
Our purpose is to connect with the compassion we are for ourselves and others. By truly knowing who we are we live from such faith and confidence, we radiate peace and calm. We claim and reclaim the Truth that matter and Spirit are one and the same, simply two different expressions of energy, our God Self, as we are whole and complete.
The dualism of separation that we have learned takes us away from our true Self and is the cause of all our misconceptions and unhappiness. My healing work is centered in the reality I’ve known all my life: that we are God incarnate, embodied expressions of the whole, of oneness, microcosms of the macrocosm, whole and complete in each moment.
Playfully and truthfully I say that my healing center is wherever I am and your healing center is wherever you are, because I truly realize that wherever we are, God is. We are God in expression. That is our sole purpose for this lifetime, to come into the full recognition of who we are, as Jesus and all the avatars did. They recognized their oneness as Source identity, as Spirit incarnate. That recognition brings compassion and healing into each Now moment. That is our purpose: Oneness!