Our New Earth & the Shift in Consciousness


edgelife-logoWE ARE LIVING in interesting times. The Mayans tell us that the first day of the Fifth World was on July 26, 2013. Changes are all around us! There is a sudden rise in awareness. A mass awakening of souls who are stuck in old paradigms is very evident in my observations during my interaction with people in my monthly meetings and private consultations.

I have noticed that more and more people are aligning with the new frequencies or light energies that are presently flooding our planet. For the first time, some are seeing star ships, seeing sacred geometry, visions of light beings and ascended masters. Some are even aware of the origins of the planetary systems of their star ship sightings. This will be an ongoing process of the Great Shift in Consciousness.

I feel great joy with a sense of fulfillment knowing that all is working in terms of the divine plan of Prime Creator. With his team of co-workers: i.e. our star family, ascended masters and light beings, harmoniously bringing in the Shift of the Ages.

According to studies done by physicists at Stanford University’s Solar Observatory, our sun is presently very active with Coronal Mass Ejections and will be for the next few months, with the probability of a solar magnetic pole reversal. This affects the whole solar system, increasing the probability of our Earth experiencing changes in climatic conditions, a disruption in satellites, plus solar flares causing changes in Earth’s temperature and other related problems.

Spiritually, this signals an influx of light flooding our planet, and the world as we know it will cease to exist as people awaken with the showering of the divine love Christed energies. Humanity will go within to find their God Selves and see the potential that resides within. Releasing of old belief systems and discordant programming from different time lines will be the norm of the day, as more and more people realize their full potential as true Masters. This is true oneness. This is your new Sacred Design.

The Earth and all its life forms will also experience the ascension process, as the collective vibration of the planet changes. As part of the family of man, we urge you to send your love and light to Mother Earth and all its life forms to speed up her ascension with ease. Do not waste your energy with any forms of discordance — anger, lack, judgment or resentment. Be the Love that you are and know that all is in Divine Order.

Insiah Beckman will present “Our New Earth & the Shift in Consciousness” from 2:30-4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 2 at Minneapolis Edge Life Expo, at the Earle Brown Heritage Center in Brooklyn Center, MN. Tickets are $25 in advance ($5 more at the door) available at Edgelife.net or 877.776.5244.

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Insiah Beckman
Insiah Beckman is South African born has been living in the Unites States since 1995. She is a Reiki Master, Ordained Minister, Teacher, Higher Soul Readings, Spiritual Coach and Channels a group of Light Beings who identify themselves as "The Counsel of Elders." Insiah and her husband, Gary, produce Edge Life Expos & Events and have been bringing together seekers of truth for the past 20 years.


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