ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR questions among many folks and children this time of year is, “What are you gonna be for Halloween?” Last year at this time was no different, and yet, it was. With December 2012 inching ever closer, many people took their costumes seriously. I wondered, “How should I dress to participate?”
What was going on at that time in my life had me more amazed than I would admit. I’d say, “I’ve been waiting for years for this?” Drawing from years of prep work that I was not always aware of, I began to create the costume that I would put on! Did you know that you do that, too? Did you know that you help people create their costumes?
When I was a little girl, I was taught the ditty, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.” I had little idea what light I was singing about. Years later, I was affectionately told that I am the Light of the World and I should hold my light high for all to see. I didn’t know what that light was either. Even later still, a friend gave me a lighthouse as a present.
We pick up things over the years until finally we recognize what it all means. Yes! Many of you are already making the connections! Many of you also have completed the prep work — some of which has not always been fun — and now you are ready to take a look at the costume! Maybe take it off and put on another? Or not!
It took years for me to figure out, then even longer to admit, that in this lifetime I am a healer and a teacher. That didn’t happen until I started taking off my costume.
After a diagnosis of fibromyalgia in 1995, this skeptic was led to alternative and complementary healing, I slowly embraced the teachings of Richard Gordan, Dale Allen Hoffman, Eckhart Tolle, A Course in Miracles, Gregg Braden, Rudolph Steiner, and Unity. Each of these, and many dear personal friends, helped me “see” the costume I was wearing. The costume hid the person that I am: Light.
I took a look at my name: “Christ” is in me, and “schlauch” is a German word meaning “pipe” or “hose,” affirming the truth that I do allow energy to channel through me! All credit goes to the Greater Intelligence. I simply create a very harmonious loving space for your healing.
Wonder if you’re hiding behind a costume? To be blunt: Do you feel like crap? Are you tired, achy, can’t sleep or sleep a lot, very hungry or not at all, can’t focus or have fits and starts? Do you feel your “to do” list is four pages long, and growing, but you don’t even know where to begin? My friends, these are signs of energy being used to “keep up appearances,” also known as the “costume.”
We know it takes energy to project a movie on the screen at the theatre. This is where I can be of assistance to you. Energy healing is a very simple approach. It allows the Greater Intelligence of Being to decide the what, when and how of healing in order to obtain joy and peace in all levels of Being — physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Energy healing offers endless opportunities for wellness.
As many Master Teachers have walked beside me and offered their hand, I now extend my hand to you. We walk together to remove your costume, revealing the Truth of who you are: perfect love light. Then see what your costume choice will be!
Last October, I donned a handmade costume: The Statue of Liberty! What are you gonna be for Halloween?