Follow your Inner “Yes!”


miejanMOST OF US DON’T check inwardly with ourselves on a regular basis to determine our best way forward, despite the fact that every person alive has a Higher Self — that eternal, divine part of us that knows exactly what is ideal for us in the present moment.

And, most of us don’t go inwardly often enough to ask for divine assistance, despite the fact that every person alive has a team of supportive, energetic beings of light who assist us as we navigate the inevitable challenges of life.

It’s no wonder we find ourselves suffering so.

Here we are, sacred beings from a dimension of love who have chosen to inhabit a third-dimensional spaceship known as the human body, and we all have two hotlines of soul support built in — but we either don’t believe in them, don’t trust them or forget we have them. It’s like having a cellphone at the ready during an emergency, but we choose not to call 911…because we don’t trust that it will really help us?

The history of humanity contains millions of anecdotes that testify to the infallibility of divine support [read Anne Archer Butcher’s account of her rescue], and yet we consistently put more credence in the negative thoughts that churn in our minds.

Our evolution forward entails living in the present moment [read selections on our featured topic] and linking with our Higher Selves and energetic support teams while doing so.

My intention for writing these words is less about urging you to do something than in helping myself remember my intended path. We all find ourselves at times forgetting that we are not alone, and I certainly am no exception.

I am reminded of the wisdom of spiritual teacher and channel Michele Mayama, who for years has encouraged us to live authentically by checking inwardly for a definite “yes” or “no” — in all matters, not just when we find ourselves at a major crossroads in our life — and following the path of the “yes.”

I received one such “yes” last year at this time when I was chatting with Paulette Hastings with Neuro Strength at the Minneapolis Edge Life Expo [she returns there Nov. 1-2 in booth 6]. Neuro Strength’s Brainwave Optimization™ process just makes so much sense to me. I liken it to defragmenting a computer to get it running smoothly and more effectively. Neuro Strength’s process allows the brain to observe itself in a state of harmony and encourages it to create new neural pathways to maintain that sense of balance.

So I listened to my inner “yes” and took part in sessions to optimize my brain. A month later, I can attest that the process has cleared out negative patterns in my thinking and it has inspired me to follow creative and spiritual pursuits that, over time, have been put on the back burner.

I don’t think it was a coincidence that my Neuro Strength experience was followed by three days of self-empowerment taught by spiritual teacher Christine Day. That experience has been inspirational in teaching me how to strengthen my energetic connection not only with my Higher Self, but with the teams of spiritual beings who offer constant support.

Back in the 1990s, I was one of millions of readers who were inspired by James Redfield’s book, The Celestine Prophecy. In it, characters followed synchronicities that appeared in their everyday lives and led them to the next step in their spiritual journey.

Now, two decades after the publication of that book, a growing number of people are embodying the Celestine way. We are choosing to be present, we connect inwardly and make use of our innate systems of energetic support, and we are following the bread crumbs of synchronicity that show up in our lives.

We are being led down a path of love and genuineness, and each of us is flanked by a legion of beings who are cheering our every step.

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Tim Miejan
Tim Miejan is a writer who served as former editor and publisher of The Edge for twenty-five years. Contact him at [email protected].


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