Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…Some of what you see about yourself is going to shock you. Turns out all those conflicts, the frustration, the apparent lack — it’s all emanating from within you. So how are you going to take this? As further evidence you don’t deserve success and joy? Or with a huge sigh of relief, knowing you can change your inner reality?
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…You’re being challenged to become the authority in your relationships and the choices you make now will influence your life for years to come. This isn’t about dictating to others how they must behave. It’s about learning to be authentically vulnerable: getting clear on what you need, and learning to communicate your needs honestly and without aggression.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)…A situation involving your job, health or energy challenges you to make a big breakthrough in self-understanding. The root energy underlying this situation stems from feelings you are “not allowed to feel.” Once you accept that these feelings are valid merely because they are there, you can finally express them and tap into a new level of willpower.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)…Life, by nature, is both creative and abundant. You tend to pour a lot of your creativity and abundance into your relationships — and that’s beautiful. But when your need to care for others chokes off your own joy, you have removed yourself from the flow of the Life Force. Do unto yourself as you would do to others.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…You have so much natural energy, but in order to turn it into wealth, you must learn to channel it. November challenges you to acknowledge just how powerfully a parent (or your family) frightened and shamed you out of using your Will to create what you want in life. This is a psychological showdown between your inner child and your internalized parent(s). Only one of you walks out alive. Who’s it gonna be?
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…Think in terms of efficiency. You wouldn’t tolerate a messy desk or chaotic environment slowing you down at work. So why would you habitually tolerate those negative, self-critical thoughts? Treat your mental space as you would your physical space. Use your cardinal virtue of discrimination to identify and clean up the thought patterns that bog you down.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…You are not your mom or dad. Your parents can’t live your life for you, nor would you want them to. Yet, their fears must continue to control your income and limit your self-esteem as long as you remain unaware of them. Use every thought of scarcity or unworthiness this month to root out where you’ve internalized a parent’s failings. This is the key to the abundance you seek.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…The ultra-powerful eclipse on November 3 mandates a new beginning. You know that “thoughts become things” — this month’s energy shows you precisely how your thoughts are either driving you towards the life you want or pushing your destiny away from you. Make a sacred vow that you will do what it takes to become the author of your life.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…We all tend to sabotage our best intentions — it’s what we’re trained to do. You get the chance to see this mechanism so clearly now. If you’re willing to face the places inside you that don’t want you to succeed, you can step into a whole new level of success — and money. Be willing.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)…You’re luckier than you realize this month; in fact, if you could just see yourself through the eyes of the many people who look up to you, you might allow yourself to really go for it. It’s time to put an old belief about your worthiness out to pasture and claim what you want out of life.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…If you’re not happy with your public role, you need to change either what you’re doing with your life or how you’re doing it. The Universe wants you to do your special thing, the thing no one else can do the way you can. The Universe will support you, too — as soon as you stop telling yourself it can’t happen.
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…Your soul mission is simply what you most long to create, accomplish or experience. It’s time to stop standing around waiting for permission to get started on your life. You need to be ruthless this month. Make some firm choices. And then relentlessly expose those voices in your head that tell you that you can’t trust your direction, your intuition and your inner guidance.