I changed my mind; not because I am a Woman, I changed because I was exposed to another view. I changed because I learned differently and was given a chance to change. I changed because I was open and then accepted a new way to see my reality.
I changed because I can.
It is funny how we try to hold on to ideas and concepts as if they were the only possession we own, yet, when we decide to dedicate our life to being open, to live fully in the midst of our own chaotic moments, those old ways become archaic and completely un-useful. But we tilt and warp (once again) our personal view as we see fit, or need it to fit as the ego consumes the situation; that is, of course, until we wake up.
Rising to the moment is as beautiful as it is scary. The world can seem so unfamiliar but pleasingly serene, and try as we might, that moment will never be fully captured again as it was. So, as we learn to understand the transient wholeness, the brief and beautiful glimpses of grace, it brings our perception to a whole new reverence. It shows us what our actual view is and means; it is here and gone. Nothing lasts forever.
The more knowledge we attain, the more the sensation of not knowing fills us. And when we do not know reality as we have always understood it to be, it begins to distort. In the glory of the present, judgments may simply disappear, because there is no time and space for them. This is bliss. It is here that the vague gap of nothingness appears (superior to anything we can grasp in our daily grind), but we have to be grounded to get and stay there while life marches on all around us.
While we can breathe this all in and drink it up, there is no articulation for the reality check. The awakening has to come from within, and perhaps with this we must just be satisfied; satisfied that waking up can stay only in the mind through what we think is “our truth.” Yet, it morphs all the time according to circumstance, proving that the one and only constant is the assurance that so-called reality is nothing more than change itself.
That being said, every momentary experience is (or can be) so fresh and surreal — and it has the propensity to alter our life, our view, and our thinking in a tiny, single second. Try it! This is an awakening for the mind, body and soul — to continually be aware of the beauty in and of the smallest bits of change everywhere. It is time to allow space into our day for these moments, as you would for a good friend, but it is up to each one of us to participate and to run to it, because it will not come to us.
There has never been a better time to change it up. Once embraced, life will never be the same. Why? Simply put, because it isn’t. Being totally present, we are all in constant change.