New eclectic shop, Gifts of Love, opens in Hopkins


tulipsGIFTS OF LOVE SHOPPE, a new small business, recently opened in Hopkins with the motto, “Beauty is a need of the soul and a catalyst for culture.”

Owner Illona Iris opened Gifts of Love — at 6 – 6th Ave. N., Suite 4 — so she could share some of the gifts she has been blessed with, and also provide a place for like-minded people to shop, share ideas and network. She says shoppers will feel peaceful in this eclectic violet-hued space, which exudes an ambiance reflecting East and West, vintage and new.

Hours are 2:30-6:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and 11 a.m.- 6p.m. Saturday.

Illona seeks to bring a higher vibrational experience to Hopkins through art, music, gifts of love, and classes showing many layers to what she’s about.

Shoppers can purchase Cups o’Love and gift baskets for women, men and children, filled with heart shapes, candles, incense, crystals, objects of art, to add a touch of beauty. Other specialties: Busy Baby blankets; metaphysical/spiritual books; musical and educational CDs; crystals; jewelry; Bryce’s original canes and staffs; Ona’s organic personal care; original purses; meditation/decorative pictures and notecards; and gift certificates.

In addition, Illona offers consultations on administrative organization for small businesses, reviewing all business processes from emails to business strategy, because she says better organization results in a better bottom line. She also offers Wholistic Image consultations, for personal or professional life, for any age or stage, offering wardrobe guidelines, a unique color model, using color as communication, and providing tools and resources.

For more information, call 612.387.4610 or email

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