SEVERAL YEARS AGO, I found myself to be angry and disconnected from life. I was blessed to be introduced to spiritual teachers who helped me begin a loving transformation that has brought great joy to my life.
I began my spiritual journey with Kimala Kai, a strong and amazing soul healer. Her blend of counseling, body work and spiritual Soul Level Healing is intuitive and wise. She introduced me to Ecstatic Dance as a part of my opening to the flow of living in the moment and opening surprise in my body and life.
Her transformational healing skills enriched my life, exactly when I needed it. I have grown from a smart, externally focused man to a wise, spiritually focused man. I have learned that relating is good for the soul, and the spirit in me is more important to everyone around me than all my accomplishments.
I was introduced to spiritual concepts like authentic self, manifest, being present, and consciously aware. Amazingly, even though I had no understanding of any of these concepts at the time, I felt safe with the teachers who guided me and the men who supported me in my journey. The sheer joy in my life from being present and being seen has been a big surprise. I have a child-like appreciation of the surprises that appear so often in my life.
I thought I was never afraid. This led to a lot of control issues in my life and with the people close to me. The walls I put up to hide my fears were solid. Through the support of my teachers and my brothers in our men’s group, I have been able to look at these fears and face them. Learning about my shadow and how I can bring that shadow to the light has taught me that my fears are part of my life and how much more joyful my life is now with a healthy view of fear. I feel much more enlightened about myself, and more enlightened about the space in the universe that surrounds me. The sheer joy in my life from giving up control and trusting others has been another surprise. I am completely grateful for this gift of trust.
Through meditation, breathwork and body work, I have become much more conscious. Now, I see animals I never noticed before. I see the beauty of the sky instead of the terrible drivers on the highway. I see my friends and family in ways that I never knew before. Seeing people who are in my life allowed me to trust and give up control. Imagine my joy now!
Trust in spirit was a completely foreign concept to me before I began my spiritual journey. Yet, it is so natural to simply ask, “Spirit, what do I need to know right now? What do you want to tell me today?” This is a higher level of trust for me than I would have ever expected. Knowing that spirit guides are there to watch over me calms me in ways I had not felt before.
I have been a business leader most of my life. Now, at the young age of 62, I feel I can provide leadership without judgment nor control. This builds trust to depths I had not felt before. I feel people can see me without doubts. I feel I can see them authentically and not look past them through my own distorted lenses. And therein lies incredible surprises!
I have learned that if I am living in the past, I feel guilt, and if I am living in the future, I feel anxiety. But, now that I live in the present, I experience many surprises and feel the joy of life. I have transformed from an anxious and hyper man to a more feeling (less thinking) man and have experienced joy in life that I was missing. I opened up to others as I came out from my protective layers of talking instead of seeing and listening. Now I see so much more in the people I love and they see me, too. Kimala has been a wise sage for me…one who I have come to trust unconditionally.