Everyday Spirituality: Living the desires of the soul


woman-dreamsWHAT DO YOU THINK OF when you hear the term spirituality? To many of us it can sound distant — somewhere to visit perhaps, but not to live. The fortunate reality of spirituality is that it can be a part of our everyday lives. There are many organized activities and practices at our disposal. And while activities and practices are important, we are also being spiritual anytime we make life choices based on the desires of our soul. And the wonderful thing is that the more we prioritize the needs of our soul, the happier and healthier we become.

So what do our souls need? They need us to live according to our values, to spend our time in a way that has meaning for us, and to do what brings us health and happiness. That doesn’t sound so bad, does it? Here are some examples of ways to live by the needs of your soul every day:

  • Speak your truth.
  • Establish and enforce your own boundaries.
  • Speak up about wrongs you witness — in your life, community and world.
  • Make a living that’s in line with your beliefs, values, skills and passion.
  • Practice daily gratitude for the gifts in your life.
  • Establish a meditation practice — quieting the mind is essential to hear the needs of the soul.
  • Engage in in-person activities with others.
  • Be the change you wish to see in the world, as per Gandhi.
  • Forgive yourself and others for past wrongs.
  • Help others help themselves.
  • Accept yourself unconditionally.
  • Be kind to yourself and others.
  • Spend your money in alignment with your values — make every dollar count!
  • Spend your time in a way that aligns with your values — make every minute count!
  • Surround yourself with healthy, positive people who support your highest good.
  • Prioritize self-care — healthy food, appropriate exercise, good sleep, and having fun!

It is, of course, often challenging to discover what our souls truly desire. Many of us have put our true needs and wishes aside in order to live our lives as we have felt necessary. We utilize distractions to help us pretend we are satisfied and happy when we’re not. While this is completely understandable, it leads to a practice of hiding our true desires, which after time, makes them harder to uncover.

So set out on the journey to learn about who you are at your soul’s core, and live that to your best ability every day. Then you’ll be living everyday spirituality.

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Christine Huff
Christine Huff is a Reiki Master and also practices Healing Touch. She is the producer and host of Healing Arts 101, a cable access show about holistic health practices, and also teaches a class by the same name. Through her years of education in energy healing work and other aspects of holistic health, Christine has familiarized herself with many healing arts options available and how they can help us on our road to health.


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