THIS IS YOUR YEAR to learn about guidance and solutions from your inner spirit. However, be aware that there are a few surprises in store for you this year as the unseen mystical 2014 (7) vibrational energy begins to make its presence known to you. At first you will have a sense of an inner tension just before you experience one of these powerful surprises. Yes, it’s time to listen and trust your inner voice, your intuition!
This year I suggest you make a commitment to develop and trust your intuition as an additional resource for you to receive answers. You will be given many opportunities through out this year to learn many mystical secrets about yourself.
Let’s look at the numbers that create this mystical energy of 2014. The number 2 is guiding you to think and act with the energy of “relationships.” The number 0 is the relationship of Spirit or God coming along side of you as you create and manifest. The number 1 is building your relationship to your higher self; this keeps you connected to your intuitive energy. The number 4 is holding a space for safety, security and success with your plans. Adding these numbers together (2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 7) equals 7. This 7 energy works with the metaphysical world, the world of mysteries, unmanifested energy, secrets and magic. This 7 vibrational energy wants you to ask yourself, “What would I want Spirit to teach me about solutions to manifesting?”
In 2008, we entered into a new nine-year cycle to bring more Light to the powers dealing with money, magnates and manifesting. We will all remember this because this is when the global economy crashed. We are in year 7 of this nine-year cycle, and we are right on schedule to listen to our inner voice and face our fears as we clear up and heal our deeper issues around manifesting and money.
This year you are being offered an opportunity develop and trust your intuition to apply the mystical skills of leadership and manifesting while using the powers of 7 energy. Here is a proven metaphysical manifesting formula for 2014: Engage your Passion + a clear Intention (Vision) + focused actions = successful results.
For you to accept new ways of manifesting in 2014, you must be ready to deal with sudden surprises. Learn to stay neutral and grounded when surprises and secrets show up. Making judgments about something being good, bad, right or wrong when it doesn’t match your beliefs can stop the flow of your creative energy as it is unfolding. Stay alert and follow your intuitive resources to discover the source of your creative energy. Connecting and manifesting at the source of your passion energy will create a more powerful result.
There is also a karmic energy of 14/5 happening this year that is highly magnetic to attracting money. That same energy is also highly addictive. Be mindful to not get caught up in energy that possesses you. One of the secrets of the unmanifested world is how to use your creative energy effectively and successfully. You want to manage the energy, not have it manage you!
The energy of 2014 will encourage you to read, go to classes, and study information on the mystical world of Spirit. The more you know about the unseen metaphysical world, the quicker you are able to manifest your desires. There are lots of movies being produced about the Spirit world, so if you don’t like to read, go see a movie!
Developing your intuition this year will give you better opportunity to understand the 7 energy of 2014. Your intuition is the pathway to your creative higher self. Your intuition has access to information that your logical mind has no clue about. If you continue to try and understand the metaphysical world with logic and analysis, you will fail. You will find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time, listening to the wrong voice.
Lessons for 2014: Develop and trust your intuition. Learn and apply mystical secrets. Create a daily practice of connecting to your higher self.