A Heart Healing from Archangel Raphael

Archangel_RaphaelI AM BLESSED TO BE a spiritual channel for the beautiful archangels. I work with people in all stages of life to help them heal their bodies, emotions and personal connections with others. But you know the saying, healer heal yourself. One night I found myself feeling very sad about some of the changes that were occurring within my life.

I had been experiencing some sadness over changes that come with aging and having your children grow up into independent adults. I was happy they were independent but sad they no longer were with me so I could hold them. Take care of them. Make sure they were okay. Things we believe we can do when our children are younger and live with us.

I understood that adult children leaving home and finding a life of their own is a normal path of development. One to be happy about. But this night was right before Thanksgiving. Memories of years gone by were playing out in my head and my emotions. Experiences we shared while they were growing up. Being a mom, I was also having troubling thoughts about how well they were doing. What their life was like compared to the dreams I had for them.

That night when I went to bed, I prayed for a healing dream. “Mother, Father, God, Creator of all there is, I respectfully request a healing dream to help me release my fears and anxiety and restore my thoughts to the understanding that all is as it should be and I am aligning to the highest vibration for my current consciousness and higher wisdom.”

I woke up several times during the night just long enough to register what I had been dreaming about. Each time the dream was about saving someone, working with a group, healing on a larger level of vibration than my own.

Then the hour before I had planned to get up, I started having an intense pressure on my chest. I understood that my heart energy was expanding and pulsating outward and my physical heart was releasing and purging. I was getting mildly concerned, because I did feel it within my physical body. The pressure was like a giant rubber band squeezing my chest.

I realized then that I was in my Akashic Temple. I was being shown that I was on the banks of a flowing current of green, a green river. Archangel Raphael was with me. I sensed him sending me the impulse to go into the river and allow the River of Well-being to flow through me and expand and cleanse my heart energy. I knew this was for my highest good, so I moved into the river of energy. I saw my heart burst open and empty out feelings, emotions and anxiety, like ribbons of energy being released from my heart, my core. Replaced with a pink energy of the lightest vibration imaginable. Then I was absorbed within a golden beam of energy and I knew the healing and vibrational attunement was complete.

I woke up with a wonderful feeling that everything would be okay.

I am in awe and amazed that this level of healing and understanding was being shared with me. Since that healing took place on my heart, I am able see my life as a reflection of my soul’s purpose and wisdom. I still worry at times about my children and grandchildren. The difference is that I know we each have our own group of beautiful angels watching over us, supporting us. I know we are each traveling our own path towards understanding ourselves as spiritual, loving beings. It has helped bring peace to my heart and my mind.

I know now that Archangel Raphael is with me when I call on him. I am grateful to share his healing knowledge and wisdom with others.



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