IT WAS THE SUMMER OF 2009 when an angel spoke to me. I was teaching a holistic medicine class out in Boulder, Colorado, at Hanna Kroeger’s Peaceful Meadow Retreat. I woke one night from a very disturbing dream. In that dream, my oldest son, James, was in an earthquake. The dream was so disturbing that I knew I had to do something about it! James had recently moved to San Francisco and I thought that maybe an earthquake was imminent in that area.
I decided to purchase a Shield of Genesis crystal pendant, a powerful protection tool, and send it to James. The dream stirred me in such a way that I felt this was really necessary, despite the cost. Before I mailed it to James, I had the shield blessed at the altar in Hanna Kroeger’s Chapel of Miracles with the energy of the Archangel Michael, the great protector.
James was grateful, but in time the shield became quite forgotten, tucked away in a drawer, until later in the year when we visited him for the Christmas celebrations. At one point, the family was discussing plans for 2010 and James began to tell us how he had been invited back to Haiti in January on a mission trip with the University of Wisconsin, Madison. James had been to Haiti before when he had been an engineering student. On that previous trip there had been some problems, and I made him promise me that he would take the Shield of Genesis to ensure his safe passage.
James traveled to Haiti with his friend and business partner, Andrew Lee, and they had a great week, working up in the hills and helping a poor village. They decided to stay and continue helping the people as the rest of the mission group returned to the U.S. — earlier on the day that the Haiti earthquake struck.
James and Andrew were staying at Wall’s International Guest House in Port au Prince. James was on the roof terrace with a group of Canadian doctors admiring the beautiful sunset. Andrew was reading a book in another building while waiting for supper. Five minutes before the earthquake struck, James ran to the other building and dragged Andrew away from his book, telling him he had to come see the sunset!
The earthquake struck and the building where Andrew had been reading collapsed immediately and killed everyone there. The roof of the building where James and Andrew were swayed, but it was hardly damaged at all. This was the building where the Shield of Genesis lay on James’ bed. The whole building had been protected. The two young men then spent the next three days pulling people out of the rubble and volunteered their help at a clinic.
The experience in Haiti was life transforming! I cannot speak for James and Andrew, but for myself it has had a significant impact. It taught me the importance of dreams and of trusting one’s own intuition. It also taught me that when the gift of Grace appears in one’s life, it needs to be deeply acknowledged with gratitude.
Gratitude can be shown in so many ways. For me, it’s been the donation of my time and expertise. I have made four mission trips to Haiti with Homeopaths without Borders, and I am planning to return again this year. On my fourth trip, the wheel turned full circle as I stayed at Wall’s Guest House. The collapsed building is now gone; only the tiled floor remains. At one point, I asked my spirit guides what needed to be done in this place. I received the message that some souls had not moved on towards the light. I asked what I may use to guide them and suddenly a voice spoke in my ear, “Grape Hyacinth,” so I offered up in that place the energy of this beautiful flower essence — and indeed, the souls moved on.
When I returned home, I checked out this particular flower, because I was not that familiar with its essence. I was pleasantly surprised to read that it is a key essence for shock and trauma.
I am forever grateful to the presence of angels in my life.
Note: James and Andrew now run a successful start-up business in San Francisco (www.Firebase.com). The Shield of Genesis is James’ constant companion.